Sunday, October 27, 2013

I'm Baa-aack!

            Okay, so it's been a long time. A really, really, really long time. I have been preoccupied. For one, I have school. School is something I do not enjoy. I do not look forward to any of the classes I currently have. I have effing year-long math. Anyway, some stuff I have been doing, in convenient list form.

  1. I have lopped most of my hair off because long hair is a pain in the everything.
  2. I started reading Homestuck. I have caught up and am now playing the waiting game 'til the Gigapause ends.
  3. Trying to make a Jade Harley Godteir costume. I discovered cosplay is absurdly expensive.
  4. Started an Homestucky RP thing with my friend. It's currently on hiatus.
  5. Nearly filled up my drawing journal.
  6. Worrying about my sanity due to a recent dream I had...
  7. Banging my head on a keyboard instead of writing anything substantial.
  8. Resisting the urge to start new story after new story when I have yet to finish ANY of my other ones.
  9. Trying to convince myself that my other stories actually don't suck and to keep trying to finish them instead of 'revamping' them into something 'better.'
  10. Gradually descending into a 'Don't Talk To Me, I Don't Care' attitude toward my classmates and swearing, mostly to myself, more and more.
            Truth is, a couple months ago I started a post and left it until it became outdated. Yeah, I'm on top of this. I'm organized. I can regularly update a blog.
She lied, quite badly.
So. I could apologize, but let's face it. I don't have anyone to apologize to. I don't exactly have a following. Nobody's waiting patiently or not-so-patiently for my next post. I can pretty much do whatever the hell I want.
Unless my dad or something decides to check in. Then I'd just... never hear the end of it, probably.
It can be a really uncomfortable situation, when you're family all looks at your stuff. If you're me, who's self-conscious as fuck, you sort of... censor yourself. Hold back. Be a little more edited. I'm kinda slowly dropping that now, as an experiment. And by dropping that I mean typing like I'm currently thinking it, which is with a couple bad words in it because I'm actually okay with it now.
Woo. I'm a rebel. (Waves fist unenthusiastically.)
            Okay see, what I did there was imply that I'm secretly very out there and edgy and--no. No, I'm a dork. I don't have a fucking clue what anyone wants from me and quite frankly most of the time I just don't care. I might as well not care here. It would save me a lot of trouble, being liked or known on the internet shouldn't even make my list of priorities at age fifteen. That's just stupid.
            Slight change of subject. I've actually had people at school call me rude. People who have continued to sort of irk me since the start and I'm gradually starting to lose my ability to keep up a facade of civility and am actually starting to show that I don't like these people. So I'm rude now. I'm okay with that. I'm not instantly rude to people, at least I don't try to be. But my previous habit of silently harboring a dislike of someone that eventually gets exaggerated into a passive-aggressive (not even aggressive, really.) hate just isn't healthy. Seriously, I might as well make it known that they do irritating stuff like look over my shoulder when I'm drawing or just plain bug me. That's the big thing-Don't fucking look at my stuff while I'm drawing it's not for you, you twat. I will jump, and I will snap at you like a feral cat. It's not funny, it's really intrusive. And it's not about how good I am, because I've had people try to reassure me of that. NO. That is my private journal and don't proceed to pull a twenty questions on me about what I do with it it's none of your goddamn business. Also don't touch it. And don't question why I literally carry it everywhere, because it has a lot to do with people who are just generally asshats. That kind of stuff will just make a small part of me instinctively go 'this person is not worth knowing and should be avoided.' I can't help it, it's just a learned habit.
Is being an antisocial bitch who's quick to judge a learned habit?
'Cause I've concluded that's what I am.
            Part of me want's to be perceived as nice, but I'm just sick of people. I have actually given up at going out of my way to make friends in high school. If I meet someone who's nice and I like them, fine. But I'm not going to surround myself with people for the simple sake of not being alone. That's what's really weird; if you don't have friends in school they think there's something wrong with you, you're unhappy or something. In middle school, I went to the counselor's every other lunch or something and I looked forward to it. She introduced me to two people that she thought 'were a lot like me.'
They were nice... and eventually after talking to them for weeks, I realized...
They were fucking idiots.
We had literally nothing in common.
Letting people pick my friends is the biggest mistake 13-year-old me could make.
Have I reached my moody-teen phase yet? (she asked the sky sarcastically.) I'm going to end this here, because I'm just going to get more an more negative. Goodbye.

Friday, August 2, 2013

In Which I Find Something I Like So Much I Spend a Whole Post Talking About It

            Okay, so the Alice: Otherlands Kickstarter is coming to a close in some 47 hours and THEY HAVE ONLY 85 PERCENT OF THEIR GOAL COMPLETED and that make me very nervous because I have way more emotionally invested in this idea than is safe for my sanity. How in ever-loving eff have they not met and surpassed the $200,000 goal yet? But before I continue ranting, I'll explain what the thing is for those of you not yet ready to click the link.
           I mentioned getting the art book for Alice: Madness Returns for Christmas last year here. A: MR is a video game, and a sequel to American McGee's Alice, which came out in the late 90's/early 2000's that I fell in love with for it's amazing environments, characters, and story. Alice: Otherlands is something of a preview into the third chapter in Alice's story, a series of film shorts of her going into famous minds and helping them fight their inner demons and such. If they don't raise at least $200,000, it won't happen.
And heads will roll if this doesn't happen.
A few more reasons why I am behind this other than any Alice stuff is just fantastic in my opinion, is that they have mentioned it possibly leading to:

  1. A feature length film. They actually said that in the trailer. This could lead to a feature length Alice movie.
  2. SOMEWHERE--possibly on the AMA American McGee did he said that there was talk of a third Alice game, and that talk was positive. In my head, these film shorts could pretty much be a great promoting thing for the game if that pans out.
  3. The idea that Alice can now go into other's minds is so insane that I love it. I love the concept, and the whole dream-world thing has always been something I love to see played with in any media.
And also I suck at video games. I wouldn't be advertising it so much if it weren't so amazing yet so just-barely-there. GO! Look at the concept art! Go to the Facebook Page! And for god's sake donate if you can!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Concept Called Feminism, and My Ever Present Fear of Being a Hypocrite

            Okay, so I have had this blog for a year now, and honestly that seemed more important back in June. Currently I feel too tired/bored/lazy to do anything productive, but I'm forcing myself to do this anyway, because sometime that's just what you gotta do.
            So recently (actually not so recently, just before school ended actually...) I've been introduced to a concept. Not particularly fun concept, and not really a new one... But not one I've had firsthand experience with. Really, the idea that sexism was still a thing in 2013 seemed absurd. Among other things... But the writer I followed on Tumblr rants about it constantly. As do... a lot of people. And they have really valid arguments, and I agree with them. 
Ach, god, this is tricky to put into words.
I found this webcomic and started reading, and it's weird... but fascinating. I wanted to mention it. I've sort of gotten my mind around feminism and what it's about and I like and agree with it. As a girl myself, I'm all for gender equality. I wanted to mention it. 
I don't want to bore anyone with a passionate rant about how all women are terribly oppressed, that's not the world I felt like I grew up in. Sure, there are nations and places where people have it worse than me, I could... I probably should (when I'm more informed on the subject)... rant about those places. But I cannot honestly include myself and them in the same situation. My problems are the upcoming start of tenth grade, their problems are getting an education at all. I've read about women being assaulted with bottles of acid for trying to walk to school. A girl my age got shot in the head for advocated equal rights to education--and, amazingly, survived and is continuing her cause (old news, I know, but news just the same). What I'm noticing here is (often white, Republican, and/or southern) male politicians being anti-abortion and generally offensive, idiots being idiots, and the quiet upholding of status quo by the media and well... sheeple. I've actually never used that word 'out loud' in a sentence... it's odd when you have a father who says it all the time. Bottom line, there are problems here (including the more serious stuff that once again I cannot apply myself to), there are problems there, and it's pretty clear to me which ones are more important, and to lump them all into one huge mess of 'mEN ARE JERKs RAWR!1!' would be unfair to people who have put up with worse. I'm a lucky gal, and I just wanted to talk about an issue I feel strongly about. That is all.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

So I Used To Draw Comics...

            Okay, so I don't sing often, it's not really a thing I do. So when I actually put my headphones on and completely disregard how I might sound and just enjoy the music, I do not appreciate being informed of how terrible I am-ROSIE. Not cool. 
            And on a different note, I have come to the viable conclusion that I either do something everyday or once in a blue moon. There is no in-between. So what I'm going to do is try to keep doing things daily again and not just crash when I miss one day. Yay, more promises of productivity! We all know how well those go. Sigh.
            So I've been watching a lot of vloggers on YouTube  (Instead of working.) And part of me thinks 'Oh, that looks fun.' But... speaking verbally... more planning involved... we don't have a camera... I am neither British nor funny... yeah, that's not going to happen. Plus one of them draws stuff that makes me want to just face-desk because the list of things I actually find difficult to draw is quite long. Pretty much what I focused on the most was drawing faces and didn't pay much attention to anything else. Looking back at an old comic I realize I couldn't draw cars for crap, but at least it was on par with everything else in the thing. The was also this one part where I completely blanked on how to draw faces and there is just a stretch where I don't show anybody's expression. I was also attempting to draw 'realistically' in that comic.
What I thought realistic was is quite hilarious.
Though I admire my younger self's ability to do comics and not throw the paper away in frustration or puzzle herself over elaborate layout frame things learned from Maximum Ride graphic novels. And to actually be kind of decent minus the occasional terrible line, plothole, or factual inaccuracy. (I.E. A 12-year-old driving a car and nobody noticing.) But most could be explained by magic and science and things not even I could understand.
I wanna try to do a comic now.
I'm going to do that thing!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A Rant About Our Library

            So Yahoo is working again, but it really doesn't make a difference because no one e-mails me, so I freaked out for nothing. But I might actually use it one day! One day...
Yesterday I was rudely reminded that our public library is painfully limited and if you want anything specific you're flat out of luck. If they don't not have it, they probably have one freaking copy that you have to return as soon as someone else wants it, finished or not.
I might as well just buy the god forsaken thing and keep it to thumb through as I please, but Mom is like 'No, that is bull crap' with... good reason... kind of because it wasn't that long and I normally go through books faster than thinking. Unfortunately the point of this was to absorb advice which is a bit harder than absorbing plot. Plus this thing. So I didn't exactly sit down and slog through in one big binge. And the lady, who was generally nice even though she had to tell me I couldn't keep it and that made me kind of irritated, said I could 'look to see if there's an another copy and check out that'.
Wouldn't that be redundant?
If there was a second copy, then it wouldn't be on hold now, would it? I checked. I was right.
But certainly if I was looking up something with the title 'Ten Reasons Why Jesus Loves You' or something like that, I would be up to my ears in content. That is just the kind of town we live in. So there's my rant about that. Goodbye,

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Yeah, So Remember How I Said Every Other Day... I'm Working On It

            Okay, so yesterday I realized it was July now. I was actually weirdly upset. And It's not just because my sister woke me up with Pop-its and wouldn't shut up about fireworks. 
     Two days later, the fourth of July has passed, and we saw Jurassic Park in 3D. That was fun. I tried to add to my Tangent Adventure, but the more I try the worse it gets. I'm not going to just toss the idea outright, but... 
              Alright. Blogging. I will do this! Not in any sort of timely manner at this point, but I will do this!
I forcibly tore myself away from listening to music that I don't really like on Youtube to 'do something productive' and you know how I have a nasty habit of turning a matter of I'm going to see if I could get to any of the things listed in Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon, which is a brilliant book I would recommend you take a look at if you are interested in how-to books that are sort of not how-to books and more a collection of genuinely good advice in a brief ten chapters with interesting pictures. It had a few things that you could do that worked for him. These were my plans:

  1. Make a Digital Desk and an Analog Desk (or move my Laptop, CD whatchamajig, and Tablet things away from everything else.
  2. Start making a 'swipe file.'
This is what it turned into:
  1. Make a Digital Desk and an Analog Desk (or move my Laptop, CD whatchamajig, and Tablet things away from everything else.
  2. ORGANIZE ALL THE THINGS!!!... except my bookshelf. Also dusting!
  3. [Try to] start making a 'swipe file.' Manage little.
On the plus side everything is pretty and clean! Except my bookshelf. I kind of like it.
            I've been having some really weird dreams lately... the best being the Doctor Who plus Inception plus something Chell Howe would get into which, sadly, ended way before anything good happened. The worst being the most recent where I got hit by a car. Yeah. Don't ask. I've actually been trying to write down what happens and the results have been amusing. My mind is a weird, weird place.
I quite like it.
            So on that note, I am finally finished with this goddang thing. I will publish this now, goodnight.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Warning: Lots of Whining and Excessive Use of Caps Lock

            Yeah, so I broke the streak. I was watching Inception with my dad okay?! I can't do this, writing stuff every day is HARD. But it lasted for twenty-three posts. That's much longer than I expected! Let's try for every other day, just so I have time to let myself not worry about this thing. I started this for fun and I want to keep it fun, and lately things have just seemed to get crappier and crappier. 
And no one wants that.
You know how I said my pen stopped working unless pressure sensitivity tests were on?
I replaced a pen tip. I put in a new battery. IT HATES ME NOW AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!
It's a beautiful display of karma, or perhaps irony, that this would happen RIGHT after I whine about not having Photoshop, and my dad and I have this talk about working with what you have and he wants to see me drawing on it more before he starts feeding my 'give the mouse a cookie' nature and come back all 'Yeah! I'm going to do that thing!' All motivated and happy. And it doesn't work. As far as I know, it's not the Tablet. The tablet acknowledges that it is coming in contact with the pen. 
Admittedly, my first thought was 'ROSIE!' because she nudged it earlier and I was worried because the pen, sadly, is delicate and the whole big sticker saying LEAVE PEN TIP UNTOUCHED WHEN NOT IN USE that I left on there. But it's been knocked around quite a bit, and it makes a cruel sort of sense that they would make the pen that comes with it to break so you have to buy a new one. A replacement is only ten dollars or something BUT THAT'S A DODGY TRICK AND I DON'T LIKE IT.
(...dodgy...?) Nevermind.
Now I am afraid to ask if I can buy a new pen with my birthday money because I JUST AGREED TO A LECTURE ABOUT DEALING WITH WHAT YOU GOT! And now I've got a... yep, still not working pen and I tablet I WANT to use. UNIVERSE WHY TODAY?! WHY WITH THIS!? 
I genuinely hate everything right now.
And I feel bad for being mean to Rosie.
She takes that stuff way too hard.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Don't Stop the Routine, Lily. Keep Going, Lily. "But I Have Nothing to Write About." Just Do It, Lily. "Fine." And Then This Happened.

             Slept 'til one in the morning. Ate a sandwich made of apples, nutella, jelly, blue frosting, and wheat bread (because I'm so health conscious har-har.). It was good. Did nothing. Felt guilty. The end.
This is not a healthy lifestyle people. I don't recommend it.
And did I mention my body seems to be punishing me for having vertebrae?
But enough complaining.
I'm really just at that point were I just want to sleep for as long as I can without being comatose or, you know, dead.
I'm going to try that. Maybe add to this later.
But probably not.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Short Little Nothing

            Today I had a dream where a friend and I had to travel back in time to a school suspiciously like my old charter school except it had three floors and was convoluted as anything. When I was finally close to getting back my phone and Laptop started going haywire, and I just barely made it to the right room.
The TARDIS has finally penetrated my dreams.
             Dad bought me a small carton thingymabob of ice cream and now I'm quite cold. But it was delicious. I am shaking like a leaf though. Netflix was a twat again. I wasted another day, once again.
I need to go... do stuff... and fail at things... goodbye!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Okay, I Need A Break From Tangent Adventure One...

            I drew another thing on my tablet some time ago-ta da... I tried drawing Michelle Howe from Chell Howe and the Interdimensional Doctors and I'm not quite sure how much I like it. Well actually I kind of do, but I'm never particularly positive about these sort of things... Oh well! I might start drawing other story characters... Might... I should stop promising things.
            Spam is still happening, and it's still mildly depressing. Though I figure it'll just keep happening as long as I'm posting as often as I'm posting. (It started when I began the 1-entry-a-day thing.) But that's not that important. 
            Absolutely nothing happened today. Again. Nothing at all. I drew in my notebook. Read some more of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Ended up working on a story I didn't need to work on instead of being productive. Came up with an idea for another one. Didn't start it for fear it'll end up either ruling my brain for the next couple of weeks or just become another title that sits in the My Documents folder, judging me. Sigh. Was alternatively bored, hungry,  bored, very hungry, guilty for not doing my own projects, and annoyed. Tried to look up Matilda on Netfix and it was unavailable. Stupid Netflix. Clicked on Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends instead and wouldn't play. Screw you Netflix. Decided to write a blog entry.
And here we are. 
I'm surprised I haven't been eaten by Boredom Monsters yet.

Monday, June 24, 2013

TA1: Flight the Fourth

             An odd thing of note about my new tablet now. Apparently I have to have the options open to pressure sensitivity to realize it has a pen attached to it. I'll Google a solution to that later...
Paint.NET is starting to annoy me more and more...
But I'll move onto the story thing...
            "Aieeee!" Recently, I rode the Acrophobia with my father at Six Flags. I held misgivings, but it was over in a second. Up and down. And pretty much safe. This was a completely new shock. 
I hated it.
Then I wasn't falling. I hadn't gone splat, but... I opened my eyes and found myself a little less than two feet above the ground. "Oof!"
And then gravity started existing again. "Ow... What is going on?" I whined into the dirt. "FINE I'LL HELP!JUST TELL ME WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED!" I heard Dave land next to me with a startling thump. "You really can't walk three feet without incident, can you? There was a ladder."
"Sarcasm doesn't help, you know." I looked up. "I don't suppose I did that, did I?"
"That's part of what Mythosfarieantology is."
"Then why couldn't I do it before?"
"How many times have you nearly fallen to your death in your short life?"
"Good point..." I sat up and stared at the now tiny looking little house so far up. "That's a long way up."
To be continued... because I'm a bit lazy...

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Tangent Adventure One: Flight the Third

            Today I'm just going to jump straight into my Tangent Adventure. There's nothing of note to be said today in terms of real life. Now where did I leave off... ah!
            "Farneer?" I repeated. "Like far... near? Is that an alias?"
"No." The round, tiny (About up to my knees height-wise.)old man said, nodding yes gleefully. Yay, another weirdo. "...'Kay..." Behind me Dave yawned. "She's going to need more to go with than that, Professor F." For once I agreed with him. "What's going on?" I asked. "What are you? Heck, what is he?" I pointed to Darwin. He smirked. "You know what a changeling is, don't you?"
"I have a vague idea." I replied uncertainly.
"It is exactly and nothing like that." He looked impressed with himself, the twit. Before I could wrap my mind around that Professor Farneer launched straight into what Dave had been babbling about last night.
"The fabric of Time and Space is in danger." I couldn't help it, I rolled my eyes. "What? And only I can stop it?"
"You're familiar with Boredom Monsters are you not?"
"Wh-Those little demons?! They're that big a deal?"
"Well, they're part of it. A small part, yes. But it shows a link to you."
"What are the bigger parts then?"
"Oh you're going to love this." Darwin said, smirking. "Things that shouldn't exist but do. Sentient black blobs that float around and hum and absorb light. Humanoid crystalline beings that can disintegrate people on contact..." I grimaced. "Plus there's this stuff." He held up a vial of blue bubbly jelly. "We don't know what it is, but it's spreads like a mold and weakens reality and tampers with the passage of time in large amounts. This is the same glass as those lenses by the way." I nodded slowly. "And I able to help because..." 
"Lily, you live in a house that now has at least four different characters you can only see out of the corner of your eye, an Amphiblagon in your crawl space, and long before that two mummies hid in your closet and you befriended a flying goblin. Suffice it to say, your life is a bit weird." I nodded slowly. "Touche..."
"Don't you think that might be a bit... significant?"
"I don't follow..."
"Gosh she's dim!" Dave exclaimed. "You're a bit like him, skinny, and that's what we need!"
I had had enough. "Oh, buzz off, freakazoid!" I snarled, storming past the Professor and out the door I assumed was an exit...
And suddenly found myself plummeting down a fifty foot drop.
Karma's a twat.
To be continued...
I should start planning these. I really should. See you tomorrow,

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Tangent Adventure One: Flight the Second

Copper, Angel, and I from Lost Rabbit
            This is what I did today! A slightly less crap drawing that led me to experiment further with layers and blurs. It isn't that detailed but I think it's nice. I really like my tablet.
I am also continuing the little story I started. The little tidbits are going to be called 'Flights.' I had a vague idea of how I was going to continue this. It's gone now, oh well. Let's see what happens...

            The first thing I was aware of was sunlight, and for a moment or two I successfully entertained the idea that the ordeal had all been a dream. But unfamiliar voices and the musty smell of old carpet and other fabrics brought me slowly into the waking world, and I was gradually getting more and more alarmed. I make a sound as I sat up and looked around the treehouse that seemed to be made almost exclusively from junk. The windows were plastic instead of glass, the ceiling was a blue cover for something-probably a large car-and the floor was all different sorts of wood and plastic and stone all jammed together like a puzzle. I was lying on a nestlike bed of carpet, woven mats, and raggedy sheets with my robe draped over me like a blanket. I put it on and made my way tentatively to the curtained 'door' into the next room, and without warning it was swept to the side, and I was suddenly face to face with a very groggy Dave. I became angry very fast. He didn't seem to notice. "Oh... you're awake..." I scowled. "You!" I screeched dramatically. "You-kidnapped-me!" He looked up at the ceiling in a I-really-don't-need-this-right-now sort of way, which did nothing but make me angrier. "You knocked me out and kidnapped me!"
"Are we done stating the obvious?" He asked in exasperation. I ignored him. "I still have the bite mark! It still hurts! You..." I struggled to find a non-profantic derogatory scathing enough, failed and trudged on. "Who the heck do you think you are? We had an arrangement! Don't bother me, I don't bother you. We agreed. And what were you on about 'Time and Space?' Do I look stupid?"
"Yes." He replied with a poker-straight face. I think I inhaled most of the atmosphere at that.
"You worm!" I spat furiously. He stiffened. I had actually said something properly offensive. Go me. "T-take me home. Now." I said shakily. I suppose we made a silly picture, a small angry little girl who looked like she just rolled out of bed yelling at a ginormous lizard who actually looked pretty miffed at me right about now. We glared at each other for a second, before he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and dragged me into the den. "Darwin! Deal with her-now!" Later I didn't blame him one bit. He was at that level of tiredness about the same as one that had been up until five in the morning, and he was being more civil than I would've been if a teenager had started screaming at me and calling me names. But this was now, and later was a couple of hours from then. Now I hated his guts.
            I found myself face to face with a boy who seemed an odd mixture of Peter Pan, Tarzan, and the scientist from Journey to the Center of the Earth. He was wearing fairly dirty homemade clothes, and the bluest eyes ever and curly brown hair. He looked a little like my dad. Wait... no...
"Hey there, little sister."
"Monkey Boy?!" I shouted-screamed it, really. My Dad's tall tale, the one stupid running joke that he'd teased me with my whole childhood had a shred of truth to it? The one thing I solidly didn't believe was in the woods, even after Dave had snatched me up all those years ago and gave me the whole don't-bother-me-or-I'll-eat-you speech. He looked nowhere near as scary as I'd pictured him. Jeebus. He looked pained, and said he'd never thought he'd hear anyone call him that again. Dave burst out laughing. I frowned. "Wait... you're not old..." I said suspiciously. "You look about my age..."
"Well my dear, that's where Mythosfarieantology comes in," Said a third, older voice. "And a little of the study of Timespace Realitivity." I looked around wildly. "Oh what now?!" I moaned. Darwin rolled his eyes and pulled out a pair of weird, circular glasses with teal-colored glasses. "Here, I forgot your eyes haven't adjusted yet. You can keep those, we've got plenty." I examined them skeptically. "Put them on!" Ever curious, I did. They behaved normally at first, making everything look all green, but then everything felt all tingly and for a minute or two there was nothing but white, then everything went clear. Not just normal colors but like the first time I put on glasses. But sharper, better. "Whoa." I blinked. "Who in the worlds are you?"
"That's my teacher, Lily." Darwin said loftily. "Professor Farneer."
Okay, things are becoming clearer... not really. More will be elaborated on tomorrow, as well as what the l Mythosfarieantology is and why I couldn't see Prof. Farneer without special glasses. To be continued... tomorrow.
And there's Flight the Second of I'm Bored So I'm Off to Save the World. Otherwise known as Tangent Adventure One. More soon,

Friday, June 21, 2013

Tangent Adventure 1: Flight the First

            Don't you hate it when a day goes by and you realize you have done nothing productive. Well, you straightened out your disaster of a closet, and did what your parents asked. But other than that-nada. Sigh, I almost wish Dave would act up again, just to break the boredom... But no more spiders. Spiders are off limits. Especially those of the large, tarantula-like variety. I do not need that kind of stuff in my life. 
I should be careful what I wish for.
And no sooner had I said that than the giant newt himself materialized in my doorway, nearly putting me into cardiac arrest, the jerkface. Me and my big mouth. 
And here is the start of my first great (tangent) adventure!
             I don't know what was more terrifying, the sudden, intimidating sight he was, the thought of my parent's reactions to his intrusion, or the fact that from what I could read from his weird reptilian face, he seemed scared. He didn't even laugh when I tumbled off my chair with my hands pressed over my mouth to mute my startled shriek.
It must be serious.
Unfortunately I was much too ticked at him for the last two astute observations of mine to register, and I am afraid I was quite rude.
"What-the-Hades you fff-freaky fish thing!" I hissed, throwing my two pillows at him and nearly my plushie TARDIS at him before I realized that I actually cared if he tore that into teddy bear stuffing or not. "What are you doing up here? What if my parents see you? What if-" I let out another frightened shriek as he took a step closer. I backpedaled into my bed, just as something started to bang on my window really hard.
     Dave blinked hard, trying to see past the glare of my bedside lamp. "Skinnybones?" He said, though it sounded more like 'Shkinthybohnthsh.' That's what he calls me by the way. Creep. I stood very still, glaring. "What do want?"
"Pack your things. You're going on a trip." He threw me my bath robe. So I was going Arthur Dent style-y was I? Okay then, just let me get my towel... "Buzz off, muck-breath." I snapped. "You're not supposed to be here." I was pushing my luck, I could tell. I flinched as whatever it was rapped on the window again. He growled quietly. "Skins, if you knew what was at stake you'd trust me." I smirked. "What's at stake then, pond-scum." (If you think I'm being harsh, just remember we've been a thorn in each other's side for most of my life, and he was a bit like the two mummy's that used to hang out in my closet. Except he hasn't vacated the premises yet.) I thought fast. Okay, first I'll throw the bathrobe in his face...
"The entirety of Space and Time."
I burst out laughing and didn't stop until the window behind me shattered and Dave whisked out of it-carrying me with him."Daaave! Ow! You bit me! You just bi-ugh..." Did you know Amphiblagons had knock-out type venom? I didn't. I slumped over in mid-squirm, one arm in my robe sleeve, and out like a light. Not exactly how you'd picture someone going off to save Time and Space. If Dave was telling the truth and had not just finally had enough of me...
So will I save Time and Space? Will Dave tell me what's going on? Will he eat me? All questions will be answered tomorrow, same place, roughly the same time. Maybe. Stay tuned...
To be continued. This is going to be a thing I do, a little episode-story-thing as I go. I think it might be fun. You can tell me what you think. Please?

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Today is my Birthday

I might draw something actually good later.
            I got a graphics tablet! I played around with it some to get used to it. I was a bit disappointed when I discovered that Paint.NET didn't register pressure sensitivity, but I think we have Photoshop or something around here somewhere... I used it anyway, though. I drew some sloppy, stupid things, as seen on the left. I created two new characters, and something mildly creepy. 
(much later.)
So I didn't find Photoshop, so I started another less all over the place drawing which I will finish in the near future. I'm going to playing with this a lot.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

In a Rush!

            Okay, a super short update:

  • We started our mystery.
  • I also started other things.
  • Hung out with Rose's friends for a bit.
  • Ceased to be productive upon arriving home.
  • Don't want to break my posting streak.
  • Will make a proper post tomorrow.
And there you have it! Goodnight!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Okay, So That Thing I Mentioned Last Time...

            Me and a friend of mine are collaborating on a story. I have never done this before... It's for a mystery story writing contest. It is much harder than I thought, reason one being someone has to die, whether because of her insistence or the simple fact that murder mysteries are the simpler mysteries to write. We disagree a lot. I can't hold interest in a particular storyline. I like the first idea that we decided wasn't really a mystery. Mysteries are amazing to read, surely. Writing them, much like anything, is completely different.
It's waxing mildly frustrating.
Now it's very late and I am tired.
Sorry for keeping this so late... like anyone cares.
As you can tell, we didn't make much progress.
            My sister worried me today. Not the usual worries. A different kind of worry. A less funny sort of worry. A dreadfully common ailment for my generation and nearly all grownups of these times. It sort of snuck up on me.
            It was a simple enough start. She intruded my room muttering 'Mangas... mangas...' and began scouring my bookshelf. I have all of three, all based of actual novels. All merely holdovers from when I was teaching myself the style. On more of a whim than anything, I handed her A Wrinkle in Time and told her to read that instead. After all, I had read it around her age and I had loved it.
The little socialite outright refused, laughing.
I begged, I coaxed, I gave a vain shot at reverse psychology. This escalates into a scuffle. An actual scuffle between my strong, stubborn insisting she read the book or sit down and let me read to her and her 'I don't like reading, I won't!' attitude. For a considerable longer time than I would normally put toward any physical effort I was making a fool of my scrawny self trying to drag her away from the door. I kid you not. Finally I pulled the wimpy, effortless maneuver called 'Tell Parents to Force Her.' It is a empty win, sometimes hard to correctly enforce, but in the end I was reading it to her and she was listening and for a while I felt I had accomplished something. I didn't quite get the message across... according to her summary she was absorbing about as much as an infant could absorb the entire history of World War Two. After I let my disapproval be known she said many similar things that were denied to Mom two seconds later. "I don't have an imagination." "I have an imagination, but don't use it." and finally "I have an imagination, but don't want to use it now..." It's always an unsettlingly funny thing to watch Rose edit herself as she speaks, pretending the world has a backspace button and we all don't realize what a scarily bone-headed thing she just said. 
I am a reader, and by whatever god there is, my sister will be too. Comics and anime is tolerable enough. Fine in moderation. But they cannot, will not, if I have anything to say, be the contents of her entire literary background, with few exceptions. Sorry, enough ranting, it's nearly midnight.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Short and to the Cliffhanger

            Let me start by saying there is definitely something nice about reading next to a good storm or rain. Finally started that book I need to read for school. Haven't gotten far, but I kinda like it. I also started reading A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I think it's absolutely brilliant. Surprisingly, started thinking that after reading the first paragraph and kept thinking that right up to now. I'm at chapter five currently.
Drove a go-kart again. Had fun.
Went to the library. Forgot to check to see if I could access Yahoo.
So far things are good. There's one more thing I haven't told you about yet, but that will come to light tomorrow after things have been expanded on slightly. That's really all I have for today, goodbye.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

In Which a Short Paragraph About My Life Turned Into a Long Talk About Books

            Hello everyone! So today I rode in/drove a go-kart, terrified my sister, and got attacked by a number of stowaway spiders. It's a good thing I'm not especially arachnaphobic. Or afraid of fast things. Rose apparently is. Really should have seen that coming. Maybe it was just the fact that it was me in the driver's seat. I thought I was quite good. I definitely had fun. 
God, I really shouldn't just leave in the middle of these things. It shouldn't take a span of hours to write a few paragraphs.
Dad said I could go to the library tomorrow. I haven't really been back there in a long time, mostly because it always seems to close so soon or not quite have what I want for reasons of pfft... who knows? And I can always just go to the BIG bookstore in Ashley Park and just read a bunch of books while there. If it wasn't about as organized or as constant as the YouTube web layout.
            And honestly the 'teen' books that are oh-so-popular are really starting to bore me. Futuristic dystopia with a convoluted plot that will make you feel smart for reading, you'll stop understanding it after Chapter Five, but you'll feel clever for trying. Then Romances. Then the kinda generic cop-shows-in-literature form. Honestly, I like books to trick you into reading a genre that you thought you hated, like me with 13 Little Blue Envelopes. Not really fond of romances. Read this without realizing it was categorized as a romance. Loved it much. Saw the little sticker label the school librarians put on a few of the books, and was surprised. It didn't shove the whole 'love' thing down your throat and was geniuenly cute and odd. I liked it. I don't wan't to look at the description of a book and go 'I think I've read this somewhere before...' I want to go 'this looks fascinating, I'll take a look at it.' Books that don't seem to intend to be anything, like a science-fiction or a grownup thing or even occasionally a very light-hearted childish thing. Books that just seems to grow into a theme or an idea or a moral as you read it. Ones you don't start knowing just what to expect.
            When I was a kid I decided to pick a book at random that had nothing but an old, faded black hardcover with it's title written in thin, worn gold script exactly twice. I chose that one because it looked mysterious, like it just might come to life. I read it and thought it was great. I have never read it or anything really similar since. God, I didn't even know who the author was. For me this was a time before books were written by people, they were just there and appeared as naturally as I guess... dandelions. Everywhere, always, and flowers even if most people didn't always think so. (This was also before Twilight etc. had come out, so I didn't even know you could have a book that the majority of the people I met strongly disliked.) Also like dandelions, I enjoyed them immensely. Seriously, who has not picked a bouquet of the things at least once in their childhood. Ah, nostalgia. I wasn't even aware that comparison would work out so well. Huh. 
            You'd think reading is something you just never lose, but it kinda is something you can... fall out of without realizing it. This, I have found, is incredibly dangerous. Especially if you want to write. One doesn't do well without the other. I kind of need to fall back into it. Scratch that, I really need to fall back into it. I want to. But your tastes change as you grow, and you get picky to the point where the school library, though it has plenty of dark almost-grownup things as well as cutesy romantic things and every. Teenage. Vampire novel. In existence. Finding something odd that balances humor with wit and something you don't really get from things like the Maze Runner Series which was a good start but just plain lost me after half of book two. I'm sure there's a way to be confusing and entertaining at the same time, but there comes a point when you want something explained. Even if it's not true, you can be surprised later.
Ha, I talk like I know what I'm on about (I probably don't.), and I could probably go on for a while. Bottom line is I want something odd, different, and a tiny bit funny, if it can. My favorite book since the third grade or so Last of the Really Great Wangdoodles has remained my favorite because it is so dang odd and pretty much unknown (but the author's not, it's the lady who played Mary Poppins, Julie Andrews.) And it's lovely and something just a little like Alice in Wonderland and A Wrinkle in Time. 
Wow... it's really late. And I'm hungry. Goodnight, I guess. There's another rant for you.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

So Yahoo Hates Me...

            I'm too tired to think today. I got zero sleep and I just want to to lay in bed for the whole dang day, but dragged myself out of it just because the fact that I still have to do this was bugging me. I also have a slight headache.
So now that I've brought my grumpy to my blog, I am going to try and think of something else to do besides wonder why my brain thought it should wake itself up at four in the morning and refuse to go back to sleep.
Nah, I'm just putting 40% of my effort into not face-planting into the keyboard.
Alright I'm a bit more awake.
I can no longer sign in to Yahoo. They have made it impossible. Do they realize that I DON'T FLIPPING KNOW THE ANSWER TO MY SECURITY QUESTIONS TWO YEARS LATER! And apparently they no longer recognize this device...
And they want to buy Tumblr?
They can't even make their own dang stuff decent. To this day, there is nothing but my name on my 'Yahoo profile,' and I don't know how to change that. I still get my horoscope...
It says to check my email.
... No really, that's the thing... I have too many messages and gotta go through them because blah blah it's messing with my energy blah blah it will make your chi happy.
What a bunch of twats.
It's horrible, because that's my email for everything. The one I just automatically list. And they're acting like flipping retards. I NEED that for something! Yahoo actually has a single purpose for me and it can't even do that. Idiots.
And all this is to prevent someone from hacking into my account. They won't even let me access through Facebook, which I'm on, it's just plain logging in again. Why?! You ask before you pile crap precautions on people, or at least warn them. It's just being polite. 
Wow, you'd be surprised how fast you wake up when you have something to be angry at.
I suppose all forms of social media are stupid in their own special way. But this is just too extreme. Make your stuff less crappy, Yahoo. Or at least let me access my account.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Dave the Amphibious Dragon and Huge Scary Spiders

            Can you believe I very nearly forgot to to do this? Of course you can. This is me we're talking about. Anyway, I 'found' a spider the size of a small rodent clinging to my wall, and by found I mean it magically appeared there and caused me a large amount of concern, but I got my dad to come kill it dead. That was probably the most exciting thing that's happened in a month. God, where would that thing live?Ah well, one does not concern themselves with where giant spiders come from if one wishes to feel safe in their own home. Maybe the dragon in the crawl space let him in... 
            Yeah, a dragon (or Amphiblagon as he prefers to be called, because he's more newt-like than lizard-like) lives in the icky muddy wet crawl space that keeps gathering water. His name is Davintalolibiam, but you can call him Dave. He's buddies with a flying goblin named Henry and various slimy creatures who also reside beneath the house, all of whom I hate. The dude doesn't like me. Not that fond of Violet either. He would like to just chomp me to bits, if I wasn't so dang bony. Dave doesn't venture out of his livin' quarters that often, and only reason I know about him because I used to try and mount expeditions under there when I was but a small child and had a flashlight and my parents weren't looking at the same time. Scared the bajezus out of me first time 'round. He's got weird mostly see-though-ish white eyes with a bit of glowy light blue and snaky slit pupils, his skin isn't so much scaly as sort of smooth and it's sort of like holding a snake... but he's about the size of my room all curled up, and about as long as the house with his huge, ginormous tail. He's got four legs and sharp silver claws and webbed hands and kinda webbed arms. Oh, and he's got catfish whiskers on his face, but don't laugh at them or the next thing you'll see is his SUPER big, sharp teeth. He's real hard to see in the dark because he's all gray and black. It's natural camouflage. Most Amphiblagons live in caves. He mostly lives off leeches and algae, and mice when he can, but let's just say a wide range of things are edible to him and that's why you don't stick around down there long. Yeah, he would be the type to sic tarantula assassins on me. He should be more careful lest I throw a big bag of salt down there with him!
"I heard that!"
You were meant to! Amphiblagons deal with salt about as well as slugs. Henry (the flying goblin) and I get along, which is why we don't often interact with each other, but if he sends in more large hairy spiders I am entitled to retaliate, understand? 
"... Fine."
No more spiders, then?
"No more spiders."
"... Grr... I promise."
Thank you muchly! Ahem... now that that's settled... Dave everyone! He's such a nice gentle-newt, aren't you glad you met him? My parents haven't, though. So shhh... He likes to stay the frick away from them. So, until tomorrow...

Thursday, June 13, 2013

My Emotional Spectrum and One New Story

This is my new story on Wattpad.
            And the slight two-day funk I was in has passed. The issues that  put me in it have not been completely resolved, but I'm not under a mopey woe-is-me raincloud anymore. Life is... positive meh. No longer dangerously negative meh, but not exciting enough for impressively positive meh. Impressively positive meh is like a three-day-weekend in school. An absolute positive is... it ranges from stuff like the trip to Little Five I wrote about a LOOOONG time ago to Myrtle Beach to the two second euphoria upon completing a bit of my stories. My default is positive meh to neutral meh. I'm a generally unemotional person about stuff like TV shows and stuff that I see tons of people (including my sister) get thrown into a tizzy over. It's actually kind of funny to watch. (Something about as life-threatening as sticking your arm in an alligator's mouth yet hilarious that I discovered is when you tease Rose about anime. Seriously, her reaction is so over the top it's insane. But I don't do it that often anymore, because I value my life. And it's just mean. But mostly because I don't like being pounced upon.) 
           On another subject, real life has been dull. God, where's an alien invasion when you need one? Let's bring the Doctor to America for a change! Sigh... why is all the cool stuff in Britain? Grumble, grumble... Now that I've started posting stuff everyday I am actually aware that time is, in fact, still passing. Still feels a little time-loop-y though. Days turn into weeks and all that. But I'm not living the same weekday over and over.
I still have to read On Writing by Stephen King. I've gotta remember that, because that's just the sort of thing I'll end up leaving until the last minute and then just disregard completely. And it's a book. I'm the type of person who just goes through the things like... an SUV with gas. I've pretty much read everything I really like in my small library to death. I have gone through Harry Potter at least one time to many in too soon a time span. I should go to the library in the near future. I haven't done that in ages.
So on that note, I post this, because it's almost six and that's kinda late for me. See ya tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Don't You Hate it When...

            Yesterday I got onto one of those fun trains of thought that leave you kinda stabbed in the chest with your own words. Somehow my observation that I get a lot of spam turned into 'I get about five real pageviews when I subtract it' and then 'I need to promote myself more' to 'I care too much about what people think' to finally 'I am not good and there's no point and blah blah blah I'm sorry.' I'm one of THOSE people. The ones that will listen to their friends rant for hours on end about boyfriend this and parents that because we don't know what else to do. (I'm assuming I'm not the only one. Seven billion goddang people here now and at least one's gotta be a little similar...) The ones that just don't gel with people properly and won't remember the name of a kid sitting halfway across the classroom and probably never will. I don't go nuts when given a little bit anonymity. I'm still timid, mostly silent, and more than a little invisible. I watch. Just joining in is something I've nearly forgotten how to do.
God the melancholy is strong with this one.
Maybe that's not that much of a bad thing.
But let's try for something else besides depressing all the same.
           I've decided to write a story based on what I thought Doctor Who was when I first heard of it, and I'm going to post it. Writing the first bit now. G'Bye.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Chapter five of The Lost Rabbit is finally done!
Signed, sealed, and delivered in the dead of night!
I should really force myself to sit down and work on my goddang stories more often. Though probably not until two in the morning.Ah well, I seem to get the most motivation long after anyone sane would have gone to bed. Sometimes it's decent, sometimes I look back and cringe at how horrible it actually is when my mind is as awake as my body. This was not one of those times I feel. 
            My last post was obviously the most boring thing on the planet. Everyone has their off days. But now, as I open Facebook just to see if it works I suddenly am bombarded by exactly how many people I've friended that I can't quite recall where I know them from, but if I just go unfriending EVERYONE I don't care about I'm offending people. I like how when I first got a Facebook account in sixth grade all the people in my little charter school sent me friend requests and to this day I have not messaged or interacted with in any way. And getting posts from stuff I clicked 'like' on just irritates me. I expressed a vague, meaningless opinion on something. I do not want it showing up in my face again. And I have pretty much vowed to never play another Facebook game that requires me to return daily. So there are specific reasons I don't check in often, but if I get really, really specific I'm just going to go on and on and it's going to get really personal. Let's stop here. I have to go. Until tomorrow,

Monday, June 10, 2013

A Severe Lack of Focus Here

            Hello... I very nearly skipped today but have decided to go on because... I'm stubborn. Not all the time, but I said I was going to write something every single goddang day and I'm not going to break the routine all of six days later because (once again) I have no idea what's going to be in this thing until I'm done. I have a habit of forgetting I have a draft folder. And there are things in it. Not things worth posting, mind you, but just exit out of the Make a New Post thing it stores what it last autosaved there if you don't publish it. Most of my drafts were just blank. One had a single sentence. That was about it.
            I'm trying to be productive, I really am. Why is it so hard? Okay, this is going to be a reeeeaaally short one. I'll end this here. 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Wattpad Stuff, Ahoy!

            Rosie got her hair cut short last night because Mom discovered lice eggs or something in her hair, my aunt and uncle now have two of the most adorable puppies, and I'm going to show you a bit from that short story series I wanted to do and haven't touched in a while because I'm not sure how I like how it's going.
Here ya go!
            A blue Cinderella dress, all lace and frills hung on the door, untouched since the Halloween of age nine. The window was framed with translucent gray curtains and faded floral wallpaper. An absurd amount of teddies over-populated the bed and closet and childish etchings were pinned to the walls, gradually falling to the floor. The carpet was stained with paint and discolored due to years of continuous abuse. A sticker-covered stereo buzzed quietly at the very lowest volume that was still audible. A light-peg-design toy sported a half-finished outline of either a hippo with yellow legs or a crude depiction of a car. Propped up behind it was a cardboard sign advertising lemonade for 25 cents, a relic of a failed burst of entrepreneurship and an experiment with an old cliché that didn't apparently work. An old game of Monopoly was set up in the corner, the playing pieces replaced with bottle caps because everyone spent so much time arguing over the car that it just saved time to decide between flavors and brands. Other odds and ends scattered the ground, begging to be tripped over by the woman perched on the dusty pink bed sheets, frowning in pure boredom and scheduling the flight back to her apartment on her phone while doing the math in her head the absolute minimum time she needs to spend with her family before she has to get back to her ‘life.’ The window looked out into the snowy winter outside, and you could just hear the snow hitting the glass. The lady in the sensible brown sweater and black skirt didn't, nor did she recognize Persistence of Memory, which was her favorite song until it wasn't anymore, gradually getting louder.
I will also post Persistence of Memory to Wattpad... now.
I post a lot of poetry to Wattpad... It's weird because I'm not a poetry sort of person. But it's quick to write and finish and doesn't stay out in the land of procrastination for eons at a time. And I finally got around to changing the cover of A Rant About Sonnets because the text on it was bugging me. I really wish the Make Your Own Cover thing Wattpad added didn't require you to scribble the title on it. All the little thumbnails my stories have are just a pretty picture. No writing. Nothing fancy. That's the way it's always been and that is the rule. My rule at least. It's a pity, because Wattpad's M.Y.O.C. thing has a lot of good pictures to choose from....
            Speaking of pictures, I pretty much changed all of my profile pictures to the little In the Margins Me drawing I did, which is more accurate than that Phoenix-y thing I had before. I might do another one to update it, since my hair's longer and my green hoodie's gotten too old and worn out to wear. In fact, I did. But last I checked the scanner was not working/plugged in/any good. So that's not going to be seen any time soon. Sigh.
So there's today's blog in all it's ramble-y unplanned-ness. See you all tomorrow.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Just Checking In

            I don't have much to write about today, besides the fact we're visiting my Aunt Becky's house for Uncle Andy's birthday. Which pretty much means I'll be ending up swimming and being off my face tired when I get back, so I might as well get this out of the way now.
            My birthday is in twelve days, and I'll be fifteen. I guess that's something. I can start learning to drive and... what else can fifteen-year-olds do? Be older, I guess. Feel a bit more teenager-y.
Gosh, I have absolutely nothing to wr-
Oh yeah.
            We went to see it yesterday. I know it's been out awhile and I was all 'meh' about it at the time. I don't get worked up about that stuff. But I thought Oz was brilliant. It had places I recognized from the original movie with Dorthy, Tinman, etc, and it kept the whole black and white to color thing. Ugly Evanora scared the crap out of me (and she wasn't all that attractive to begin with anyway.) And it explained how the Wicked Witch of the West and her sister came into the story and why exactly Oz had to go through such efforts with the smoke-and-mirrors display. And it may or may not have had an appearance of the Cowardly Lion. And I was reminded of Return to Oz, an old movie I can't for the life me remember what happened after Dorthy (who was actually closer to the age she is in the books, which is why I remember preferring it over its predecessor.) got into Oz. I'll watch it again later. God, I haven't seen that movie in a bazillion years...
So that's my opinion on that.
             So here's a post that actually isn't really, really long. I might add something to it if I feel up to it when I get back. But probably not. Goodbye for now,

Friday, June 7, 2013


             I wanted to rant about this yesterday when I ran into it again. I like seeing that people look at my stuff. I like checking the statistics and find out where my views are coming from. So when I see '' come up with three slightly different URLs a bazillion times each, I click on one out of pure  curiosity. This was a mistake, as I was informed of after googling it.
Note to self: Look up websites instead of just clicking them.
As far as I can see, if you give it attention, it comes back a bunch more. Wonderful. Just fantastic.
            Let me spell this out for everyone once and for all, because I feel like I've said this a lot. I just want to be read. By people. I want to know someone-I don't care (I slightly care, 'cause y'know. Crazies.) who-has come across my stuff and either like or doesn't like it or is just 'meh'. I'm not really advertising any sort of product I'm just shoving something out into the open and saying 'now go look at it'. I also would like it if it was easier to find other people's stuff. I don't want any crap thrown at me from out of nowhere.
         All that aside, I am really no longer in a ranty sort of mood. I am a pretty calm person, as opposed to my sister's 'YOU BREATHED WHILE I AM ANGRY NOW YOU MUST DIE!!!' attitude. This is only made worse by her new-found interest in anime, which has thrown her into an emotional tizzy that we in the rest of the family really don't need. And she now has started calling me 'Grell' when I annoy her, which seems to be always. This same anime might also be behind her recently acquired tea habit. And don't get me started on her Hetalia thing. I never really went through an anime phase. It was more of a 'I want to learn how to draw anime because their style is semi-realistic yet still doable.' thing than anything. Couldn't stand the animated stuff (It's something about the voices and the voice acting.) and would get bored with the mangas. I actually surprise her friends when I recognize characters (I'm not totally ignorant, I come across tidbits on the internet.) but the simple difference is that I know of them, not that I actually watch the show. 
At least Doctor Who sort of bridges the culture gap.
         Tumblr sort of bugs me. I have this second blog for it that I barely do anything with. I started out with the impression that I could post stuff and tried to do like my cousin and reblog cool artsy stuff, but I just sort of lapsed into this sort of mind-numbed silence occasionally punctuated by a 'Link to My 'Real' Blog!' That gets buried under the massive output of what else I've followed. Everybody drowns everybody out with pictures or a small burst of text or GIFs. And that's the particular bin most of my day goes to.
Gosh, I just go on and on during these. This was just supposed to be one or two paragraphs.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

And We're Off!

            And so daily blogging begins! I think 99% of this is going to be tangents and fiction, because I can't think of anything worth mentioning that happened during the last thirteen hours, not even during the time I was asleep. I should start keeping a dream journal again. I tried that for two days, got bored and forgot about it. Ah well.
How about a preview of the next chapter of Lost Rabbit? I kind of ended abruptly there I think. 
                Hawking’s wasn't the messenger for the domains because he was slow. Always moving, fidgeting, as tall as the Page and thin as a twig with huge brown wings and a smile that could be just as big (often wasn't, but he tried.), one wouldn't guess right off the that shorter, calmer, stoic green-eyed blonde two steps behind him was his teenaged niece. Angel had a twin, Gemini, who was in nearly every way her opposite. Emotional, short black hair, no wings.
Their mother had been from Silver Glen, after all.
The two fourteen-year-olds stared at each other. Hawkings had bustled in, made introductions and left. The grounder held up her pet. “This is Copper.” Copper made a doggy smile. “Hey.” Angel jumped. A stuffed animal? Looking at him closely she could tell he was indeed an undiscarded toy. He must’ve followed her, being unable to stop her from tumbling into the Library. You couldn't ask for a better companion for an unexpected first trip. “Hello. So you've met Ink, Page, and my uncle Hawkings… and I assume you want to get out and see the rest of the world.” I’m not a tour guide, dangit! Angel thought. She decided the empty Blue Manor would be a start. The place was possibly built for her, as Bunny had said. She couldn't just let ‘Tyger’ parade around in pajamas. Lily picked her way through the woods carefully and quickly.
As she could. Which was abysmal compared to Angel.
                “Hurry up!” Lily made a noise of helpless frustration. “I can’t help it, I don’t have wings! Or shoes! And I’m carrying a dog!” She paused. “Copper, why am I carrying you?”
“My feet hurt.” She stopped. “What?” She dropped him. “Yeeep!”
“So do mine. If anything, you should be carrying me.” She looked upward toward Angel. “How far are we?” Copper barked. “Ooh! Angel! Will you carry me?”
“No.” She snapped. “It’s not much farther; I almost can see it from here.” She placated. “Hurry now!”

Lily stumbled over a protruding root and yelped. “….Trying…!”
And that's as far as I've gotten. I've set myself up with a looong chapter that I might split into two or three or four to get them out faster. Yeah, that's definitely going to happen. And say hello to Angel and Hawkings! They were first characters Vivia Drea had, though they weren't always relatives. (Originally Hawkings was also my age, and Angel was just sort of there.) You'll meet Ange a lot. She's the youngest Advisor in a millennium and helps Rainy with work a lot, since she's been on a bit longer. This will probably be explained better as the story goes on.
            On another note, this story falls under a new category I made called Stuff I'm Really Not Focused On at the Moment (But Should Be) and might soon leave it because I looked it over and fell in love with the idea again. Since I brought it up, I'm going to explain how I organize my many, many little stories that get starved for attention or just outright crash (See every Word Doodle I've ever written ever.).
  • You've got the folder full of a story that's existed since I was in kindergarten and will forever be something I only do for fun.
  • You've got all the other crap that aren't my stories (My music, pictures, etc.) crammed in one.
  • Scraps. Self explanatory.
  • S.I.R.N.F.O.M. (B.S.B.) Also pretty self explanatory.
  • And Word Doodles. Or Woodles, as I like to call them. Not one Word Doodle as ever been finished. A few have gone T.C.I.D. (Stands for This Crap Is Dead. For stories I can't even remember or determine the plot of.) Most have been deleted from my actual laptop, but live on in my nifty USB drive. One has even ended up branching out into two drastically different storylines. They are all generally ignored. So far I have 12.
  • And floating around right where I can see them are the ones that are right on my brain, so I can get to them the fastest. I only allow about five in that spot at once.
This method was started because I have a My Documents icon thing right on my toolbar, and all my stuff comes up in nice alphabetized list. That same list grew HUGE and hard to look through, so I condensed it. My My Documents folder is probably the only neatly arranged thing I have in my life 24/7. It's almost funny.
That's today's post done. Until tomorrow,