Friday, June 7, 2013


             I wanted to rant about this yesterday when I ran into it again. I like seeing that people look at my stuff. I like checking the statistics and find out where my views are coming from. So when I see '' come up with three slightly different URLs a bazillion times each, I click on one out of pure  curiosity. This was a mistake, as I was informed of after googling it.
Note to self: Look up websites instead of just clicking them.
As far as I can see, if you give it attention, it comes back a bunch more. Wonderful. Just fantastic.
            Let me spell this out for everyone once and for all, because I feel like I've said this a lot. I just want to be read. By people. I want to know someone-I don't care (I slightly care, 'cause y'know. Crazies.) who-has come across my stuff and either like or doesn't like it or is just 'meh'. I'm not really advertising any sort of product I'm just shoving something out into the open and saying 'now go look at it'. I also would like it if it was easier to find other people's stuff. I don't want any crap thrown at me from out of nowhere.
         All that aside, I am really no longer in a ranty sort of mood. I am a pretty calm person, as opposed to my sister's 'YOU BREATHED WHILE I AM ANGRY NOW YOU MUST DIE!!!' attitude. This is only made worse by her new-found interest in anime, which has thrown her into an emotional tizzy that we in the rest of the family really don't need. And she now has started calling me 'Grell' when I annoy her, which seems to be always. This same anime might also be behind her recently acquired tea habit. And don't get me started on her Hetalia thing. I never really went through an anime phase. It was more of a 'I want to learn how to draw anime because their style is semi-realistic yet still doable.' thing than anything. Couldn't stand the animated stuff (It's something about the voices and the voice acting.) and would get bored with the mangas. I actually surprise her friends when I recognize characters (I'm not totally ignorant, I come across tidbits on the internet.) but the simple difference is that I know of them, not that I actually watch the show. 
At least Doctor Who sort of bridges the culture gap.
         Tumblr sort of bugs me. I have this second blog for it that I barely do anything with. I started out with the impression that I could post stuff and tried to do like my cousin and reblog cool artsy stuff, but I just sort of lapsed into this sort of mind-numbed silence occasionally punctuated by a 'Link to My 'Real' Blog!' That gets buried under the massive output of what else I've followed. Everybody drowns everybody out with pictures or a small burst of text or GIFs. And that's the particular bin most of my day goes to.
Gosh, I just go on and on during these. This was just supposed to be one or two paragraphs.

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