Sunday, December 7, 2014

A Reminder That I Also Draw

            Okay, so yesterday I decided to download a free version of Paint Tool SAI and have spent up until an hour ago today getting all the gunk including it off my laptop. In the process I had downloaded Paint.Net, a free art/photo-editing whatchamacallit that I had used before but it didn't do what I wanted. I ended up with the latest version and it did two things off the bat that pleased me:
  1. It actually worked with my drawing tablet.
  2. It had pressure detection and was no longer all pixely when I drew.
            The only downside is that it doesn't have much aside from paintbrush, pencil, fill, and shapes and stuff. No biggie, really. The picture above is one of my friend's OCs, Rena (she doesn't always look like that, of course... long story) and is the first thing I drew in it. I'm still new to drawing with a tablet, so I'm not the best at it, but this is the first thing that came out mostly as I wanted it. It was fun to make too!
            I may start posting more drawings and doodles as I practice with my tablet. Maybe even make it a daily thing when I get time off school, which will be soon. Christmas break is almost here!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

One Month at School

  1. I hate my Lit teacher for the first time ever.
  2. My math teacher is lovely.
  3. History is dull as dirt back to learning about America... for the fifth time I think.
  4. Drawing is early in the day. Pros: Don't have to wait til the end of the day for it. Cons: Oh shit I'm so tired aaah...
            On another note I have so many stories and projects to chose from and I'm having issues writing anything I feel like keeping. I may start doing myNoise stuff again to get myself out of it. I'm also going to start blogging every Saturday, see how that goes. Ergh... I'm getting a bit frustrated.

Forget it.
I'm going to do the myNoise thing.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

I Couldn't Think of Anything Else

            I wonder how many times the first word of my blog posts have been 'So.' Anyway, I've been reminded about how much it's easier for me to communicate on skype versus calling someone. Why is summed up in the following list:

  1. I CAN SEE THE PERSON'S FACE. This means I don't cut people off midsentence... that happens often.
  2. I can actually hear what people are fricking saying 97% of the time. Okay, I can hear people talking on the phone pretty okay, but up to a point and it drives me bonkers.
  3. I can show people things. This is useful if I've drawn something.
I got to video chat my friend, and ended up talking for like two hours... hence that.
            Okay, somehow the laptop ran out of battery. It's charging now, but the light is still blinking. I'll end this here.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Character Bio: Preston Mortimer Castor

            So. Still on a block. Working on an art thing. On an Ib kick. So here's another Character Bio.
Name: Preston Mortimer Castor
Nickname(s): Pres/Presto/Princess (insult)/Dracula (insult)
Age: 17
Gender: Male 
Phys. Description: Longish white hair (used to be jet black), silver eyes, narrow face, pointed nose. He's very tall (a little over 6 ft) and lanky. His canine teeth are longer than normal, and he's just a bit sensitive about it.
Personality: He's very much a people person. He likes talking to people. He's extremely persistent when he wants to be, well, when he has a reason to. He tends to be pessimistic but acts otherwise, and is very, very concerned with what people think. He's a frequent liar, and prone to denial.
      Brother: Calder Castor. Died in car accident.
      Sister: Amiera Livia Pollux. (Twin)Other: Ability to hear the voices of those about to die, sense a killer by touch, and break any system he can touch. Heir to a powerful company. 
Dreamworld: Luce.
Location: City.
Location Description: A decently-sized, walled-off city.
Task: Break the locks.
There you go. Until next time.

Character Bio: Catherine Parietal

            Day Two of getting jack shit accomplished. Ergh. Must find a story that I can add more than one sentence to before I move on to something else...
Even the myNoise thing is getting hard...
I'll just write another Character Bio, okay? So it's not just me whining.
Here's another OC from the story I'm working on with my friend:
Name: Catherine Parietal
Nickname(s): Cath/Cathy/Queen Catherine (As a joke.)
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Phys. Description: Straight, long blonde hair dyed violet at the tips. Eyes are almond-shaped, and a matching violet color, though were originally the same blue as her mother's. About the same height as Peter Clepsydra (5'5"). Narrow-ish face, pointed chin, thin lips that rarely smile unless they need to. Wears makeup. Long fingers with well-manicured nails. Straight build, not very strong or muscular.
            I look up writing reference about this stuff online which is why it's phrased all weird in spots. It's either this or 'Blonde. Violet eyes, but used to be blue. Average height. Thin.' It's hard for me to find the right words to create the most accurate picture of what I have in mind... ugh, sorry.
...In one of the references I found 'Skittle' is apparently a body type... they give some of these the strangest names... 
Personality: The initial impression is that she's the bossiest snob you've ever met. She's competitive, acts very self-confident, and hates being ignored. Of course, first impressions are usually wrong. She is competitive, and she can be a bit bossy, but she just wants to be heard. She's an animal-lover, and very caring (if a bit nosy) when she warms up to a person. She has a quick temper but a complete inability to hold a grudge unless it's something really serious. This temper gets her into a good bit of trouble. She's very quick-witted and resourceful, and used to being self-sufficient. Being a team player does not come naturally for her unless she's in charge. (And even when she's in charge of a small group she ends up trying to everything herself or everyone to do it her way.)
     Mother: Morgan Parietal
Other: Can read people's minds by touch, has mind control abilities, and is very skilled at running things smoothly. (From a distance.)
Dreamworld: Noct
Location: Castle
Location Description: Like the name implies, a big ol' stone castle in the middle of an island who-knows-where. Storms/rains a lot.
Task: Escape the Castle
            So there is today's post. Until tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


            So today started out well... got all cleaned up and ate stuff and didn't sit around for hours until considering mundane things like food. Then I lazed around, looked at the clock and was shocked to see it was already two in the afternoon. So I started this.
            I have no idea what to write about... and I just nearly gave myself a heart attack nearly toppling my chair... So there's an exciting morning.
Update: I successfully toppled my chair.

Look, I may get back to this if I can think of something to write but for now I'll just stop here.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Alright... Now what?

            One in the afternoon and nothing accomplished yet... make that almost 1:30. Meh, getting to it now...
Did I mention that my blog has a weird quirk of all the text being in Comic Sans if it doesn't load properly?
It's a pet peeve of mine.
The little things please me, okay? Virtual fish... nice fonts... finding out my mom bought cheese popcorn...
Mmm... cheese popcorn...
            Yeah, so along with this, myNoise descriptions are back to being daily, did I mention? I think I forgot to mention... that thing's been getting to be the most popular thing I've written on there...
            Remember this stupid thing? Well guess who remembered she mustered up the motivation to get this stupid thing done so she could pass her fucking creative writing class? Answer: THIS GIRL.
            Ahem... yes... um, ending this here, on a high note... I still have for other tasks to do... read 10 pages out of book... work on CHatID... finish that art thing... the myNoise thing.
(Again linking to the actual myNoise website because it's wonderful and donating to it would be a good cause, I think. Even the science behind it is kinda neat... *awkward cough*)
See ya tomorrow.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Back in the Saddle... with Character Bio: Peter Clepsydra

            Alright, so one of my OCs in the story I mentioned last post is this kid. Now, because I can't think of anything else to right, a slightly cleaner bio for him.
Name:Peter Clepsydra
Nickname(s): Pete/Petey
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Phys. Description: Short, curly, reddish-blond hair and freckles. Round, bright green eyes, square-ish face, and wears braces. About 5'5" give or take, and a pretty muscular build even when the story first starts off.
Personality: Perky, enthusiastic, and easy-going. He's a bit timid as well, and apologizes compulsively. Prone to bouts of moodiness and tends to hide this from others. He often resorts to faking happiness if he has to, or lashing out when he breaks down. Likes routine, likes stability, and is fiercely loyal. A bit childish, like a big 8-year-old, most jokes and hints blow right past him. Socially awkward, and dislikes having to talk to strangers.
      Mother: Marigold 'Mari' Clepsydra. Killed in house fire.
      Father: Remus Clepsydra. Disappeared when Peter was five.
      Aunt: Hollis 'Holly' Clepsydra. Godparent. 
Other: Clairvoyant. Mathematical genius. Keeps an almost impossibly accurate sense of time. Workaholic.
            And I mentioned that each of the kids in this story was given a location and (an extremely cryptic, sometimes) task. (Also one of the four adults supervising them, called Patrons.) There were also two dreamworlds things (Luce and Noct) that end up being created by two of the eight kids with help from their Patrons. So here are those tidbits.
Dreamworld: Noct.
Location: Timepiece.
Location Description: Twelve clock towers situated in a circle   way out in the middle of a desert, and some underground living space.
Task: Watch the Clocks.
            So take from that nonsense what you will, now excuse me, I have stuff to put off for, like, an hour. See you tomorrow.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Oh... Hi. Yeah, I'm Back *Waves Casually as If I Wasn't for Nearly a Month*

            So in 0.5 seconds of my friend being here I realized that to juggle my self-imposed schedule (SPELLED IT RIGHT FIRST TIME OH MY GOD YES!) while appreciating the fact that my very best friend that I haven't seen since about last fall was here in glorious 4D was not only idiotic but would be kinda disrespectful (probably?) and I have been busy doing things with her and she might very well be coming for winter break who knows? I hope so.
So sudden hiatus was put on everything.
Not complaining, I had fun. Lost track of the days of the week. Let time stretch out.
I'm not apologizing for putting things on hold, I'm just announcing that things'll resume.
Oh and we started collaborating on a story.
            The tale behind that is interesting in itself, as it was conceived from the stupid 95% dead Homestuck RP we were doing, having just watched The Awakening on Netflix, and it being about two in the fucking morning and we decided to make a ghost hunter AU for the RP.
            The moment I sat in front of my laptop I had no idea how to go about it, so my frazzled brain went 'fuck it.' And we spent that night having decided to change the last names of her OCs and the full names of mine (I had picked them from Free Thought, Relativity, and Mind Games. And thus, those OCs have another alt version of themselves. I tend to do that a lot, not sure if it's laziness, as the characters are distinctly different, but then again even without the alt versions accounted for I have many, many, many OCs and it's hard to keep track of 'em all. Plus it's interesting exploring how the different circumstances shape the characters into almost an entirely new person. J. Jones from Relativity and Louis Callibre from Free Thought are Alt Selves and they're as different as night and day with only a few core ideals and loyalties in common. Not that I've explained their characters online yet... I will in time.
            When we finally got off of name meaning websites and finished arguing about how the fuck you pronounce 'Graeae' out loud, we got to the plot. Prepare for shitty semi-accurate but poorly-phrased summary:
            Eight kids are targeted for extraordinary abilities they possess, and four individuals that all of them are indirectly connected to are asked to figure out a way to protect them. They need to be hidden, of course, but that will only do so much. One puts forth a sort of experiment, nearly a game. Proposes the idea to make the kids into a team, and teach them how to use their ability to defend themselves. Most of them are strangers to one another, with a few exceptions. Each kid is put in an isolated location, given a task, a tool, and means to communicate with the other eight kids as well as near-constant supervision from the four. Finishing the task means finding or activating a teleportation network between the eight locations, thus being able to meet the rest in person. (The four originally thought that they would have everything sorted shortly after they completed their goal... spoilers) 
            So it's basically a bunch of teens arguing with each other and trying to use powers a few of them didn't even know hey had, or did and couldn't control or didn't want them, and four grownups trying to babysit them and trying not to get killed while trying to hunt down the person/organization responsible for the huge fucking mess. We have a lot of ideas and we're wondering how exactly this is gonna be layed out, but it's fun.
            So I wasn't totally inactive all that time, and when my friend gets back online maybe you'll be hearing more on these characters... I'll get more specific too, which will be good. 
Until tomorrow, (Finally, am I right?)

Monday, June 9, 2014

On the Internet and My Sister

            Okay, so everybody talks about my internet addiction in my family. Everyone knows that the moment the internet goes down, I will emerge two seconds later... 'Moooom.' and everyone will know why. Today, I have seen how my sister acts when this happens.
God almighty the anger issues.
Literally threatening the world at large and assigning blame to everything that moved, she stormed through the house, cursing under her breath, hitting inanimate objects.
            And I'm the addicted one. She was watching YouTube. YouTube. And she threw a fit like dad had cut out the internet as a big personal insult. Self control, kiddo! My reaction to a broken connection is a mild sense of disappointment and then I inquire upon the matter to see if it can be fixed promptly. If it can't well... tough. If it can... yay. Jokes are always made that I would crumple up and die without internet but my sister... my sister took all of .2 seconds to go on a little warpath. What the hell!
            The problem with Rose is she has no patience or ability to distinguish corrective criticism from insult. I suppose she'd rather wallow in her own righteous indignation and threaten life and limb of who dare question her evident perfection. She's lovely, yes, but often brawn over brains, like a little lion. I appreciate her confidence and take-no-shit attitude, envy it, sometimes, but like all siblings she can... be annoying. I love her though. No matter what she says out of drama-fueled theatrics.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

In Which I am Confused!

            So somehow even though it was 12 AM the next day Blogger counts it as a Saturday post? Huh. Odd. Well, I count by from 12 AM to 11:59 PM. Well anyway, a new myNoise entry can be found here. For once, I have gotten everything done in an orderly fashion. I'm learning, I'm learning...
I wonder, at which point does Blogger admit that it's the next day?
... I just saw the time-stamps... 9:44?
What the hell, Blogger.
Get your shit together, man, you're hours behind!
...And where the fuck are my fish???

Saturday, June 7, 2014

This Time, with Feeling!

            Okay, so now that the new myNoise entry is up, it is 12:10 AM the next day and I might as well get this outta the way while I'm awake... actually this was an excellent idea. Do the thing at the start of the day instead of waiting until the end of the night and you have hours to prattle on to your hearts desire... Jesus fuck, why didn't I think of this before?
I could do another myNoise thing now.
And not be hella rushed.
And I'll be just enough on the side of sleep-deprived to be fun. I stay up until, like, 3 AM anyway, so why not?
Oh... well. Nevermind, just realized something and then realized the Parent Activity Clause on the point ranking rules state that if my parents make me do stuff I am absolved of blame for missing things on the condition that.

  1. I try my hardest to recover and meet my expectations. (I did. I got to the priority stuff that is gonna be posted and it honestly slipped my mind.)
  2. I work double-time to make it up. (I will.)
            The object of my forgetfulness in this case is Wicked. Which means tomorrow I WILL have to make my sorry ass sit down, shut up, and make some headway into that thing I mean jeez I should have been done with that ages ago. I have finished book seven of Harry Potter over the course of a school day, goddammit! I can do this! Anywho, points have become irrelevant at this stage, it's combos I'm concerned with.
            It always frustrates me that the more school tries to make doing something matter the more I fail to do those things. Yet there are virtually no consequences for failing here and yet I'm doing a better job than I did keeping up with my homework. I think it's because I actually give a shit. Like, sincerely. Not just in a OH JESUS FUCK I AM NEVER GOING TO COLLEGE NOW I WILL MAKE NOTHING OF MY LIFE OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD kind of way. In a This-Is-My-Passion-And-I-Will-Not-Fuck-Up-Out-Of-Laziness kind of way. 
            And did I mention that is the absolute best thing for anything ever? Fully endorsing it. You wanna zone out and relax? You need a background noise that won't distract you while you do shit? Stuff to help put babies to sleep? Literally has a thing designed specifically for that here.
It's. Lovely.
And there are no ads anywhere. You're not gonna be half-asleep and suddenly HEY YOU CAR INSURANCE COKE BANG ZOP BAM ANTIDEPRESSENT BLAH BLAH THING STUFF BUY! while you practically punch a hole through the screen trying to get it to shut up.
Lookin' at you DeviantArt, with your random, sometimes not even loaded sound ads.
Yeah I'm very tired now, can't you tell?
But I'm having fun, so hush.
... I think I've gushed about that enough... moving on.
            With my friend visiting there will be some small flubs in the system and keeping up may get harder, but I think I can manage. I'm really looking forward to seeing her you have no idea. We tried to set something up for spring break, but it didn't happen... so it's fantastic that she's coming over now. At times I was worried, but it's finally all falling into place! I can't wait!
I need to cut this off, it's getting long... see ya.

Short, Sweet, and to the Point

            Alright, I'm going to make this fast because my parents made me watch a movie with them. It was a good movie, but a loooong movie, so I'm a little more crunched for time than usual. My own damn fault, I guess. My friend's coming over tomorrow. Oh and mom just donated to myNoise so now I have unlimited access!

Friday, June 6, 2014

On a Friend and an Art Thing

            My friend is coming over in the immediate future!!!! I'm really excited! We've been talking about this for months now and it's finally happening and it's great and kinda unreal... And my birthday is in two weeks! So she'll probably get to stay for that. Which is brilliant!
            I'm also halfway done with the background for that Art Thing I'm working on... Time-consuming but worth it... And I still have about three other things to get to after this.
I did this to myself.
I decided this was a good idea.
I'll get back to this when I get done... maybe.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Doing the Art Thing Again

            So I started another art thing. Not like I had stuff to do, right? Right. Well, this one is of John Masque, one of my OCs that I have been thinking about quite a bit lately. I have the person part done, now all's that's left is the background... I'm thinking... this is the second portrait-type thing I've done with a character associated with the color red... perhaps I'll do two more OCs associated with orange... and so on throughout the spectrum. That sounds like fun. 
As much as I'd like to prattle on, Sherlock season 3 awaits. See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Reasons Why Taking My Computer for a Week to Make Me 'Live My Life' is a Terrible Idea, Mom and Dad

  1. My writing is on here. And shush, I have been writing frequently.
  3. The internet is my addiction, not my computer itself.
  4. I do still have to post some shit online so that's not a good call either.
  5. Scratch that, YouTube is my addiction. There's the root of the problem, do with that information what you must. (I feel like I have revealed my greatest weakness to the enemy, oh god...)
  7. Stop telling me 'You're being such a typical teenager' what're you trying to do, make me an ADULT?
  8. I can only take so much outside a week. My current quota is two times... maybe three, if they're spaced kinda far apart. And If I have knowledge of it in advance, perhaps four... maybe. Do not pull the 'family bonding' shit on me, either, because that's pretty much like shouting 'Cristo!' at a demon or 'Vet!' to a pet. I do love you, and I do like being with you, but I am now a teenager after all, so words like that my brain has an allergic reaction to that I kinda can't control.
  9. Please do not scoff at me and pull the 'we're your parents and you do what we say' card because I am willing to brave the outside world... up to a point. Please do not say 'we're going outside and doing ALL the things and you are going to talk to people and...' because that freaks me the fuck out. Seriously, don't make fun. It does. 
  10. I apologize for minor swearing but I have in the past and I know my dad reads this (though I'm not sure I want him to read this he might get offended though I don't know how...) and hasn't told me to stop swearing in these posts so... meh.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

I Was Going to Get to This Sooner... but Sherlock Happened

            The downside, of course, to daily blogging, is that you end up writing about jack shit just for the sake of sticking to routine. And routine gets hard, when you discover that Season Four of Sherlock is on Netflix. Which is what I was doing. That and food. Sorry.
Again, I promise I will start doing these earlier, so I feel I have more time to spend on them.
Again, I promise that content of more worth than this will grace this blog sometime tomorrow.
But please, don't raise your expectations just yet.
Thank you, and goodnight.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Another Quality Post (Sarcastic Edition)

            Today has been uneventful. Tried to do the bit of Free Thought I first tried to start the story at, and it turned out half-decent. Drew a few reference sketched in my journal for an OC. That's about it. I've kinda put this off for too long, so this is going to be ended about here. Exactly here, in fact. See ya.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

One Week Done

            A week into The Schedule (one day, I will spell that word correctly without the aid of spell-check, but today is not that day) and 178.5 points counted, as soon as I do the myNoise entry for today. Combos haven't been broken, which is good. And it's nice to have something to do everyday... something I genuinely like doing, too. I think I might do something for myself when I reach a thousand points... buy a Scalemate off What Pumpkin or something with my birthday money... speaking of which, yay! That's in a couple weeks and I should get thinking on that as it is my 16th consecutive celebration and that is more special than usual for some reason... 
            And I have been working on a proper story instead of just reference and planning faff! Granted, it's not something I felt I was supposed to be doing but shut up I am having fun and don't think it's complete shit like the first two attempts at starting Free Thought. (One was 20% an overlong rant and one was just really slow and boring.) Which is brilliant! I suppose I should start writing the parts of a story I find interesting at the time rather than the bit I feel it's 'supposed' to be about. I should really stop trying to find the 'beginning' of Free Thought and just take it bit by bit... starting tomorrow because that's what Mondays are dedicated to.
            That's about all I have to speak of at the moment... Stuff is actually getting done, I'm still not totally used to this... Until tomorrow,

Saturday, May 31, 2014


            Finished that drawing. Colored it and everything. Need a break from... everything, at the moment. A longer post is definitely going to be a thing tomorrow, now that I can focus on other things.
I think it turned out... well.
Well, well enough.
I've stared at it so long I'm not sure.
So, until tomorrow, goodbye.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Unwisely Applied FOCUS MODE

            So it's 8:49, my room is defrosting because I left the AC blasting, I am almost reaching starving levels of hunger, AND I HAVE SPENT LITERALLY MOST OF THE DAY WORKING ON THIS GODDAMN PICTURE OF AN OC. Like a proper, full-sheet-of-paper piece of art. Nothing else has been done. I still need to at least look at Lost Rabbit and the FSMverse and do a fucking myNoise thing. I have listen to nearly all of the music by 'myuuji' on YouTube that I can find, and I am really ready to be finished with this... so, I'll leave you with that insight into my day so far... it's nearly nine PM... Goodbye.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Character Bio: Angel... Perhaps the Start of a Trend?

            SO BORED RIGHT NOW. Shockingly, I'm tired and lethargic and trying to find motivation in this blog thing...
You know what might be interesting to do on here?
Character Bios...
Huh... useful if I could add pictures, but I suppose we'll have to go without for now.
Who should I start with... perhaps someone you're all fairly familiar with: Angel Hawkings.
    Angel Hawkings is about my age, and shows a level of maturity well beyond it. Her parents, Ivy Voila and Leo Hawkings, died when she was young, and she and her nonidentical twin sister Gemini were raised by her uncle, Benjamin Hawkings. The Hawkings twins are half-Avian, half-grounder, and Angel is the winged half of the pair. She is short for an Avian, only average height to an ordinary human. She works as an Advisor of Pentacles for the Mistress of Mirrors, which is a logic-based occupation. As she is the youngest of the Advisers she often feels she has to work twice as hard to validate her place among the four. She is quite brisk with people, and a tad judgmental. Like her uncle she is very used to getting places fast, getting stuff done, and moving on, so she comes across as constantly rushed and impatient. She is very protective of her twin, almost over-protective. She isn't prone to emotional outbursts, and can be exasperated by them. She's used to them because of her sister, but has yet to learn to understand them. She's very determined, very outspoken when she feels something is wrong, which makes her a perfect fit for her job. She does not like being pulled away from her job, or anything that makes her look 'unprofessional', which means she's viewed as something of a stuck up and a prude by her peers. Chrysanthemum, Narcia's daughter, is really the only friend she can speak of, and she shares her with Gemini... and, less willingly, Roan, whom she views as a terrible influence on Chrys. Unintentionally can become gossipy when ranting about things or people she dislikes, meddling, but means well. Mostly she just needs someone to teach her how to be a kid again.
            Well, that was fun... I may do that for the next few posts. Until next time...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Picking Up Pace... Slightly...

            Okay, so maybe getting another Lost Rabbit chapter out every other day is a bit ambitious. But you're getting myNoise entries (another will appear soon after this) out daily and those are usually cooler and more well-thought-out. Halfway through Week One of The Schedule and everything is going pretty well. Everything's getting done before midnight anyway... which is the point.
            Oh, and I'm actually trying to start writing the latest version of THE STORY and it's... going kinda shit. I have two starts and I don't like either of 'em... ugh, over-planning... I'm such a moron...
But I am making progress!
Baby steps...
God knows I'm not known for my speed...
            So, tough I hate to end this while it's so short, it is almost eleven and I like to have an hour to work on descriptive stuff, and I can't think of anything else vaguely interesting today... I may get new glasses soon, but it's not like I ever show off my face...

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Not Worth It

Am I.
So goddamn tired?
I just wanna take a nap.
That what'll do.
Maybe contribute something useful later.
But sleep.
I really
need sleep.

That is all.

Monday, May 26, 2014

A Pointless Ramble

            Okay, so, so far so good. Now to keep this up. Like arranged, there is a new myNoise thing to be found here and a new one will be out and perhaps Lost Rabbit will see some continuation later today.
...Like anyone cares...
            Fuck it, it's already long since been established I'm virtually unknown and I could post any damn thing I want and wouldn't get any shit. Perhaps if I actually started using my Tumblr blog instead...
I think the only way I'll eventually get off the ground is by consistently producing content, though my outlets are a bit less versatile than my father's writing still remains to be something I can almost always contribute.
...Jesus fuck stats are depressing.
Really, I should stop looking at them. I don't know why I bother, I mean, I know that they're gonna be pathetic. Oi vay, I should just... put it out of mind.
Did I ever mention I got a new laptop?
Well... that's a thing.
            Let's do daily blogging, I said. It will be fun I said. You literally have nothing better to do than essentially chatter to yourself through text. Whatever am I supposed to talk about everyday? I haven't thought that far. I'll work it out eventually, though... still getting back into the flow. For now though, I'm a bit scatterbrained. I'm still getting used to not having school to worry about. Seeing as I eventually have other things to do today, I'll end this here. Se you soon.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Schedules, Schedules...

            Okay, so, as an update: tried to make a clay thing and it turned out shit. We went to my cousin's graduation party. That was fun. Day two of summer, and I'm hoping to actually be productive with my writing... which means setting up schedules that I may or may not end up using. Depends on my amount of conviction and willpower. I may set up some scoring crap for myself. Combos. Make it into a game.
For now though...
  1. This Blog Thing.
  2. A page of my Drawing Journal
  3. A MyNoise thing.
Every Other Day:
  1. A chapter of Lost Rabbit
  2. Read a goddamn book. (Need to visit Library)
Weekly: (Trying to get headway into other stories.)
  1. Monday-Free Thought
  2. Tuesday-Chell Howe and the Interdemensional Doctors
  3. Wednesday-Relativity
  4. Thursday-Mind Games
  5. Friday-Frizz, Stormy, and Miv's Stories (?)
I'll need a calender... wonder if I can get one while we're out...
So, if all goes well, a good week looks like:
  1. Sunday (Today)-Blog, myNoise, drawing, book.
  2. Monday-Blog, myNoise, drawing, Free Thought, Lost Rabbit.
  3. Tuesday-Blog, myNoise, drawing, CHatID, book.
  4. Wednesday-Blog, myNoise, drawing, Relativity, Lost Rabbit.
  5. Thursday-Blog, myNoise, drawing, Mind Games, book.
  6. Friday-Blog, myNoise, drawing, FSM,  Lost Rabbit.
  7. Saturday-Blog, myNoise, drawing, book.
            I think that'll keep me nicely busy! I do apologize, I really like lists. So I am going to see if my dad'll take me to the library, and will be back tomorrow.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

And So It Begins...

            Okay, so today is the last day of school. Next year I'm a junior... cripes, halfway through... So now that the toils of public education are out of the way I have virtually no excuse to not post as regularly as I can, and I can also do more of these.
Which is groovy.
I have decided I like the word groovy... it's fun to say.
            My friend is also coming to visit if all goes well... bah, I'm suddenly exhausted. Good grief. What to talk about.
...And now it is the first day of summer.
...I'm going to see what I can do in the way of clay figurines.
I may update this later.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Creative Writing

            Okay, so awhile back I was assigned the task of making a children's book for Creative Writing. I still have to get it done... And I'm thoroughly stuck. Thing is, it has to have some sort of moral or lesson. And let me tell you, I can't think of crap.
            So it's about Stormy, Frizz, and Miv. That's all I've got. Well, that and two pages. A start. And now I've just sort of gone 'Fuck, what now?' And come to think of it, not all children's books have morals do they? What's the moral of Cat and the Hat? Don't let stray cats into your house ever, probably. Having wild parties when your parents are gone is okay as long as you get rid of all the evidence, maybe. Oh, and something ticked me off when they first assigned it and the teacher showed us a video on making these things in case we couldn't possibly fathom how to write for children. (It's not really rocket science, is it? People read books when they were kids they know what those are like.) 
"To make your book the most appealing to both genders..."
Okay... make it about an animal?
"...make your main character a boy."
I'm sorry, what?
That's the most backwards malarkey I've ever heard
            Okay, so speaking of stories, you remember that boredom-fueled story I mention a billion years ago? No? Well I may be posting it soon. Here's a preview:

                It stared up at me as I raised my weapon. It was deadly, its soulless eyes glistened with false tears and I… I couldn’t do it. About five of them latched onto me at once, and I could feel them sucking the life out of me almost instantly. I felt myself losing consciousness… losing myself.
*             *             *
How pathetic. They were the size of hamsters. They were pure evil! But they were dang cute. The personification of boredom itself. It just had to touch you to drain you mind and body. It doesn’t let go until there’s nothing left. When they finish, you’d have died of boredom. I had discovered them accidentally, at my sister’s school, and found them nesting in the walls upon our closer inspection. Nobody had actually died yet, but they had spread as far as into the hospital itself. I had learned to hate them with a vengeance, but still couldn’t lay a finger on them.

Looks like that finally came around to bite me. Literally.

            So this will be up on Wattpad as soon as I get this damn thing posted after three goes. I don't care anymore, I doing this thing! I'm making this happen!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Snow Day

             Jesus Christ it's really pelting down out there... so hello! I'm back. It's snowing out, really, really hard. Good grief global warming. It's pretty, but a tad worrying.
I may poke my nose out later, but cold and me don't mix well.
I started doing a timeline for THE STORY.
One bout of recording a weird ass rendition of what I have planned and OH GOD THE MIGRAINE. I actually went and colored that in a special color so I didn't have to go and hunt 'round the whole timeline for it. Did a bit of the second one, but decided to be more vague. That was less brain-bending, but I'm only half done.
And then I have to deal with reality-jumping and the prequel which takes place in a different universe.
Ay, ay, ay...
And then I ask myself how much is actually going to be written in the main story and how much is just going to be alluded to...
And I think if I still have continuity problems after I up and say I'm done procrastinating writing something substantial I may just... well that's more impressive than anything.
The weirdest thing with the timeline is starting in 1875 and getting up to the present and going 'oh, last year so-and-so got zapped back in time and the universe sort of hung in the balance there...' and then passing it by.

Also recording the time that character dies after going 'oh they did this and this and shaped this up to what it is in the main story... oh' and legitimately feeling sort of... sad.
            So as another update in my riveting life, the internet went down and I did what I always do when the Internet goes down and the Muse fairies fudge off back to where ever they come from. (Probably Inquiry.)
I decided to buckle down and comb through my stories and organize them more effectively, and update my flash drive.
This is very frustrating when out of a combination of laziness and dissatisfaction with what I've done I'll give them stupidly cryptic names, or no names at all. This turns 'copy, paste, delete as needed' into a 'I need to rename these things or it's just gonna keep bugging me.
Good news is my main stories now have their own files rather than being tucked out of sight, to be forgotten.
Bad news is... well, I just found out my level of patience for tedium, and it's very, very high.
So I spent the better part of an evening muttering to myself and getting a slight cough like I seem to do whenever the temperature becomes colder outside than inside.
By the by, anyone else slightly concerned with the wretched weather the world's been having?

Friday, January 3, 2014

On John Masque and THE STORY

            Okay, so last time I posted some art for a story I've been working on... and I didn't add a lot of explanation at the time because, to be honest, it's hard to find the words. I said I was gonna explain JM... and I will! But first, the story he, River, and my character are all from.
            The collective name for all the versions of a story I have is called just that: THE STORY. I have been working on THE STORY for a really fucking long time. Like since before I even knew it, as a little bitty tyke scrawling intelligible Lion King fanfiction of construction paper with crayon and chatting with one of ten Imaginary Friends about how awesome we were at fighting those faceless, nameless baddies as I thumbed through a booklet of shiny stickers. That leads up to the now, where it’s evolved into a tale spanning universes and worlds!
I have yet to start the actual story though.
I'm polishing and planning a lot.
           Though in all honesty, this current incarnation does have a proper title, though it may be subject to change. Free Thought incorporates my four main story-verses into it, though focuses mainly on its own. I've actually named them...
Dreamverse-Free Thought. Includes River and Tyger. Also Darwin's included. As is my sister.
Viviaverse-Lost Rabbit. If you've read it, you've met the characters. John's also from this universe as well.
Alienverse-Mind Games, Chell Howe and the Inter-dimensional Doctors, and Relativity. I haven't said much about Mind Games, but it sort of spawned from a combination of viewing Inception fanart and a story about aliens I found somewhere... I have characters, and some plot, but haven't started it. Relativity is just something that happened at school where I went 'hmm... I wonder if I could write a sort of American spinoff of Doctor Who...' which subsequently turned into 'fuck it! I can be like the Doctor if I want!' and is kinda on hold. I'm writing it episodically, which is weird but seems to work.
FSMverse-Yeah. (That's not the title, I just don't know what to call it yet.) Way back last year I drew a bunch of little doodles of the lives of three kids: Frizz, Stormy, and Miv. Maybe it'll be a little children's book someday. THE STORY includes the grown-up versions of these guys.
            So that mountain of text is sorta what I get up to when I'm gone. I have yet to finish anything, but sometimes gluing stuff you're losing interest in to something you are tends to motivate, I find. So that's the more difficult bit tackled... I think.
Onto the OC's!
Tyger and River Myst are what in FT are called Daydreamers. That sort of means they have superpowers... I guess. Though the powers depend on the Skill Type. Tyger is a Magician Skill Type, which is the closest to my original idea of Daydreaming, so she can create objects with her mind and temporarily alter physics and the world around her. River is a Mentalist Skill Type, which is a bit more specific. Telekinesis, mind reading through physical contact, and a tone of voice that allows for mind control. He's odd though, because when in what I refer to as Impulse Form (like how he's shown in the picture), he not only doesn't fit the normal trend but also seems to have an odd quirk of subconsciously manipulating weather. He also has authorization to use time-travel technology. Both work for an organization called Free Thought.
John Masque, though from the same universe, is not from Vivia Drea. Nor is he an Avian, like Angel. He lives on Drea Thet, Vivia's neighboring planet, and he's what's called a Trickster. But he's a lot more human than most of his kind, and that tends to get him into a lot of trouble. He tries to keep to himself as much as he can, and rarely leaves the library where he works and lives unless he has to. He has a 'sister', Molly, and has a few very close friends he's collected over the years. Though he looks about 19-22 on the outside (or older, I guess, if he grew a beard or mustache or something...) he and his sister are actually older than Viviaverse itself (more explanation later~). Details that I couldn't convey in the pictures given are his Trickster Eye, which allows him to see behind him, through walls, or at the most pick out telltale signs that someone's afraid or lying. Each Trickster Eye has a particular shape. Molly's is a heart, and John's is a pentagon. (He normally covers his Eye with his hair.) He also has a phoenix form, and markings on his arms, hands, and his back when his wings aren't taking physical shape. Also he has sharp, pointy black teeth and nails that can turn into black talons. He has flame-y powers and some tricks up his sleeve, like you'd expect. He shares some phoenix traits like bursting into flames to heal when his body is too damaged (Trickster's are immortal except for their Eye, which can be removed to render them helpless.) and healing tears. I'll stop explaining here, but he does have a few more lesser known tics and traits.
I had a whale of a time thinking him up, can't you tell?
            Welp, there's a huge chunk of insight into some of my stories. When I get talking about them I end up going on and on and on... I also tend to think in terms of 1, 2, 7, 3, 20, 19, 6... oooh! A butterfly! And it gets muddled. Hell, if spoilers weren't a problem I'd just dump my whole compilation of all the little notes and rules I've written down pertaining to Free Thought on Wattpad. It would save me some trouble. So, leaving this here... See ya.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy Late New Year and Even Later Christmas

            So I've decided to play with the scanner again... hoping to actually have a bunch of art uploaded on here. I was then reminded of why I don't do that, for after having uploaded one picture, I realized the more detailed ones that I had not inked out and just went ahead and colored would not come out correctly. Our scanner is old. But! But, I do have stuff to show off....

            Hang on... jeez, I just found this. Did this while I was messing around with my tablet... This is River Myst... I still can't draw his umbrella, darn it. And his hair's all wrong... but he's one of my original characters... of which I have a ton. I'll have to tell more about him later, he's not the only OC I've recently drawn... 

            This one, THIS one, took the longest. It's me, by the way. Did I mention I got my hair cut? The more cartoony one in the upper right corner may be replacing my current icon. It's my character  who's called (er, more codenamed) Tyger. She's from the same story as River. I've actually been staring at it so long nitpicking and recoloring it that I don't really have a solid opinion on it.... but I like it enough to post it. So there.
            Okay, after a bit of fanagaling I was able to fit both of these on. His name's John Masque. Originally I had a cool sort of concept sheet thing because he has a bunch of little details that aren't quite illustrated here. I'll explain more about him in my next post maybe...

            So I'll just wrap this up here. Happy holiday's, everyone. I'll update more frequently now... as a sort of New Year's resolution. Let's see how long that lasts.