Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Concept Called Feminism, and My Ever Present Fear of Being a Hypocrite

            Okay, so I have had this blog for a year now, and honestly that seemed more important back in June. Currently I feel too tired/bored/lazy to do anything productive, but I'm forcing myself to do this anyway, because sometime that's just what you gotta do.
            So recently (actually not so recently, just before school ended actually...) I've been introduced to a concept. Not particularly fun concept, and not really a new one... But not one I've had firsthand experience with. Really, the idea that sexism was still a thing in 2013 seemed absurd. Among other things... But the writer I followed on Tumblr rants about it constantly. As do... a lot of people. And they have really valid arguments, and I agree with them. 
Ach, god, this is tricky to put into words.
I found this webcomic and started reading, and it's weird... but fascinating. I wanted to mention it. I've sort of gotten my mind around feminism and what it's about and I like and agree with it. As a girl myself, I'm all for gender equality. I wanted to mention it. 
I don't want to bore anyone with a passionate rant about how all women are terribly oppressed, that's not the world I felt like I grew up in. Sure, there are nations and places where people have it worse than me, I could... I probably should (when I'm more informed on the subject)... rant about those places. But I cannot honestly include myself and them in the same situation. My problems are the upcoming start of tenth grade, their problems are getting an education at all. I've read about women being assaulted with bottles of acid for trying to walk to school. A girl my age got shot in the head for advocated equal rights to education--and, amazingly, survived and is continuing her cause (old news, I know, but news just the same). What I'm noticing here is (often white, Republican, and/or southern) male politicians being anti-abortion and generally offensive, idiots being idiots, and the quiet upholding of status quo by the media and well... sheeple. I've actually never used that word 'out loud' in a sentence... it's odd when you have a father who says it all the time. Bottom line, there are problems here (including the more serious stuff that once again I cannot apply myself to), there are problems there, and it's pretty clear to me which ones are more important, and to lump them all into one huge mess of 'mEN ARE JERKs RAWR!1!' would be unfair to people who have put up with worse. I'm a lucky gal, and I just wanted to talk about an issue I feel strongly about. That is all.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

So I Used To Draw Comics...

            Okay, so I don't sing often, it's not really a thing I do. So when I actually put my headphones on and completely disregard how I might sound and just enjoy the music, I do not appreciate being informed of how terrible I am-ROSIE. Not cool. 
            And on a different note, I have come to the viable conclusion that I either do something everyday or once in a blue moon. There is no in-between. So what I'm going to do is try to keep doing things daily again and not just crash when I miss one day. Yay, more promises of productivity! We all know how well those go. Sigh.
            So I've been watching a lot of vloggers on YouTube  (Instead of working.) And part of me thinks 'Oh, that looks fun.' But... speaking verbally... more planning involved... we don't have a camera... I am neither British nor funny... yeah, that's not going to happen. Plus one of them draws stuff that makes me want to just face-desk because the list of things I actually find difficult to draw is quite long. Pretty much what I focused on the most was drawing faces and didn't pay much attention to anything else. Looking back at an old comic I realize I couldn't draw cars for crap, but at least it was on par with everything else in the thing. The was also this one part where I completely blanked on how to draw faces and there is just a stretch where I don't show anybody's expression. I was also attempting to draw 'realistically' in that comic.
What I thought realistic was is quite hilarious.
Though I admire my younger self's ability to do comics and not throw the paper away in frustration or puzzle herself over elaborate layout frame things learned from Maximum Ride graphic novels. And to actually be kind of decent minus the occasional terrible line, plothole, or factual inaccuracy. (I.E. A 12-year-old driving a car and nobody noticing.) But most could be explained by magic and science and things not even I could understand.
I wanna try to do a comic now.
I'm going to do that thing!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A Rant About Our Library

            So Yahoo is working again, but it really doesn't make a difference because no one e-mails me, so I freaked out for nothing. But I might actually use it one day! One day...
Yesterday I was rudely reminded that our public library is painfully limited and if you want anything specific you're flat out of luck. If they don't not have it, they probably have one freaking copy that you have to return as soon as someone else wants it, finished or not.
I might as well just buy the god forsaken thing and keep it to thumb through as I please, but Mom is like 'No, that is bull crap' with... good reason... kind of because it wasn't that long and I normally go through books faster than thinking. Unfortunately the point of this was to absorb advice which is a bit harder than absorbing plot. Plus this thing. So I didn't exactly sit down and slog through in one big binge. And the lady, who was generally nice even though she had to tell me I couldn't keep it and that made me kind of irritated, said I could 'look to see if there's an another copy and check out that'.
Wouldn't that be redundant?
If there was a second copy, then it wouldn't be on hold now, would it? I checked. I was right.
But certainly if I was looking up something with the title 'Ten Reasons Why Jesus Loves You' or something like that, I would be up to my ears in content. That is just the kind of town we live in. So there's my rant about that. Goodbye,

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Yeah, So Remember How I Said Every Other Day... I'm Working On It

            Okay, so yesterday I realized it was July now. I was actually weirdly upset. And It's not just because my sister woke me up with Pop-its and wouldn't shut up about fireworks. 
     Two days later, the fourth of July has passed, and we saw Jurassic Park in 3D. That was fun. I tried to add to my Tangent Adventure, but the more I try the worse it gets. I'm not going to just toss the idea outright, but... 
              Alright. Blogging. I will do this! Not in any sort of timely manner at this point, but I will do this!
I forcibly tore myself away from listening to music that I don't really like on Youtube to 'do something productive' and you know how I have a nasty habit of turning a matter of I'm going to see if I could get to any of the things listed in Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon, which is a brilliant book I would recommend you take a look at if you are interested in how-to books that are sort of not how-to books and more a collection of genuinely good advice in a brief ten chapters with interesting pictures. It had a few things that you could do that worked for him. These were my plans:

  1. Make a Digital Desk and an Analog Desk (or move my Laptop, CD whatchamajig, and Tablet things away from everything else.
  2. Start making a 'swipe file.'
This is what it turned into:
  1. Make a Digital Desk and an Analog Desk (or move my Laptop, CD whatchamajig, and Tablet things away from everything else.
  2. ORGANIZE ALL THE THINGS!!!... except my bookshelf. Also dusting!
  3. [Try to] start making a 'swipe file.' Manage little.
On the plus side everything is pretty and clean! Except my bookshelf. I kind of like it.
            I've been having some really weird dreams lately... the best being the Doctor Who plus Inception plus something Chell Howe would get into which, sadly, ended way before anything good happened. The worst being the most recent where I got hit by a car. Yeah. Don't ask. I've actually been trying to write down what happens and the results have been amusing. My mind is a weird, weird place.
I quite like it.
            So on that note, I am finally finished with this goddang thing. I will publish this now, goodnight.