Friday, June 21, 2013

Tangent Adventure 1: Flight the First

            Don't you hate it when a day goes by and you realize you have done nothing productive. Well, you straightened out your disaster of a closet, and did what your parents asked. But other than that-nada. Sigh, I almost wish Dave would act up again, just to break the boredom... But no more spiders. Spiders are off limits. Especially those of the large, tarantula-like variety. I do not need that kind of stuff in my life. 
I should be careful what I wish for.
And no sooner had I said that than the giant newt himself materialized in my doorway, nearly putting me into cardiac arrest, the jerkface. Me and my big mouth. 
And here is the start of my first great (tangent) adventure!
             I don't know what was more terrifying, the sudden, intimidating sight he was, the thought of my parent's reactions to his intrusion, or the fact that from what I could read from his weird reptilian face, he seemed scared. He didn't even laugh when I tumbled off my chair with my hands pressed over my mouth to mute my startled shriek.
It must be serious.
Unfortunately I was much too ticked at him for the last two astute observations of mine to register, and I am afraid I was quite rude.
"What-the-Hades you fff-freaky fish thing!" I hissed, throwing my two pillows at him and nearly my plushie TARDIS at him before I realized that I actually cared if he tore that into teddy bear stuffing or not. "What are you doing up here? What if my parents see you? What if-" I let out another frightened shriek as he took a step closer. I backpedaled into my bed, just as something started to bang on my window really hard.
     Dave blinked hard, trying to see past the glare of my bedside lamp. "Skinnybones?" He said, though it sounded more like 'Shkinthybohnthsh.' That's what he calls me by the way. Creep. I stood very still, glaring. "What do want?"
"Pack your things. You're going on a trip." He threw me my bath robe. So I was going Arthur Dent style-y was I? Okay then, just let me get my towel... "Buzz off, muck-breath." I snapped. "You're not supposed to be here." I was pushing my luck, I could tell. I flinched as whatever it was rapped on the window again. He growled quietly. "Skins, if you knew what was at stake you'd trust me." I smirked. "What's at stake then, pond-scum." (If you think I'm being harsh, just remember we've been a thorn in each other's side for most of my life, and he was a bit like the two mummy's that used to hang out in my closet. Except he hasn't vacated the premises yet.) I thought fast. Okay, first I'll throw the bathrobe in his face...
"The entirety of Space and Time."
I burst out laughing and didn't stop until the window behind me shattered and Dave whisked out of it-carrying me with him."Daaave! Ow! You bit me! You just bi-ugh..." Did you know Amphiblagons had knock-out type venom? I didn't. I slumped over in mid-squirm, one arm in my robe sleeve, and out like a light. Not exactly how you'd picture someone going off to save Time and Space. If Dave was telling the truth and had not just finally had enough of me...
So will I save Time and Space? Will Dave tell me what's going on? Will he eat me? All questions will be answered tomorrow, same place, roughly the same time. Maybe. Stay tuned...
To be continued. This is going to be a thing I do, a little episode-story-thing as I go. I think it might be fun. You can tell me what you think. Please?

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