Monday, June 9, 2014

On the Internet and My Sister

            Okay, so everybody talks about my internet addiction in my family. Everyone knows that the moment the internet goes down, I will emerge two seconds later... 'Moooom.' and everyone will know why. Today, I have seen how my sister acts when this happens.
God almighty the anger issues.
Literally threatening the world at large and assigning blame to everything that moved, she stormed through the house, cursing under her breath, hitting inanimate objects.
            And I'm the addicted one. She was watching YouTube. YouTube. And she threw a fit like dad had cut out the internet as a big personal insult. Self control, kiddo! My reaction to a broken connection is a mild sense of disappointment and then I inquire upon the matter to see if it can be fixed promptly. If it can't well... tough. If it can... yay. Jokes are always made that I would crumple up and die without internet but my sister... my sister took all of .2 seconds to go on a little warpath. What the hell!
            The problem with Rose is she has no patience or ability to distinguish corrective criticism from insult. I suppose she'd rather wallow in her own righteous indignation and threaten life and limb of who dare question her evident perfection. She's lovely, yes, but often brawn over brains, like a little lion. I appreciate her confidence and take-no-shit attitude, envy it, sometimes, but like all siblings she can... be annoying. I love her though. No matter what she says out of drama-fueled theatrics.


  1. "Boy Howdy"! you nailed this one. It's also written well. She did freak out, I remember that.
    She's a "Sweetie" no doubt....everyone's different. Her coping skills, and yours were learned in different ways. At different times. When you were both little chidren. I remember there'd be some little toy of yours on the floor. You might have not cared, or even bothered with it for a long time. Perhaps soon as that little sweetie crawled over there to "check it out". You rush over there ans snatch it away. This, no doubt had an effect on how she deals with things now. "Learned behaivor". (and we won't mention the "Pink Tutu" ....a little snug?)

  2. I, too, would not want to be without the internet. I find it to be a blessing and a curse. Nicely written blog, Lily!
