Friday, December 21, 2012

It's Christmas!!!

            Okay, so school finally let out for Christmas Break, so I can focus on the lovely, lovely holidays instead of 'OH DEAR GOD THIS IS ALL DUE TOMORROW!!' School stuff. And what better way to start off the holidays with what my sister did. She was all 'YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE MY PRESENT FOR YOU SO MUCH! I WANT TO TELL YOU SOOO BAD!' for a week. And was like 'meh, okay Eager MacBeaver.' And this morning when I woke up after a dream involving in the finding of missing friends of friends that I don't really have, and unconventional train riding-more on that later, I'm now keeping a Dream Journal-she was going to give me a present early. I wasn't expecting much, even with her so excited, but then I was truly surprised when she brought in-guess what- a KITTEN!! I've been asking for one since about last Christmas, never really expecting to get one. BUT ROSIE GOT ME ONE! He's an orange tabby, adorableness catified. I literally went 'I will love him and hug him and call him... uh... uh...' I stammered, trying to chose a name. 'Is it bad if I call him Bunny, since he's a cat?' So his name is Bunny II, after the stuffed animal I spent most of my life with. Right now he's snoozing next to me while I blog to music and talk to Rosie about stuff. It's a weird, barely there competition for his attention when Rosie's just fawning over him because she's great with animals and I'm... not. He's the best early Christmas present ever.


  1. Hey Lily ,I read your cute poem on that Magazine. Aunt Becky got it from the Y!!
    You are now an

    1. Sorry I should of said,

      "Offical Published POET!!

  2. Your poem in the newspaper was a great surprize. I love you.
    Heart and soul...kiddo, heart & soul.
    Love your sister....don't just say it...DO IT.
    Think of her when you look at that crazy bunny bun kitten....he chews
    ear buds like they are "Cat Treats" little s.o.b.
    I hear your just fatting him up to eat him for Easter Dinner? I hope that's just a rumor?

  3. You got a good little sister. Give her more of your time, give your computer less....this is "Cyber-World" she is the hug your computer gonna hug you?

  4. Your kitten "FARTS" too much!

  5. I hear you got a stinky but cute farting kitten?
