Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I'm Still Alive!

            Okay, so the reason I haven't written anything on here is A: Writer's block and B: School. I was going to write about how my first week at high school went... but... got distracted. By Ib. And Yumi Nikki. And weekend laziness. But yesterday my sister wanted to write a story with me. So I decide to break out my old-fashioned typewriter out and write something. The following really just consisted of me reading out loud what I was typing and her looting my desk drawers for stuff that was 'hers' that I 'took from her room'. Finally I wave her hands away from my messy workstation and demand she contribute. So she's just sitting there looking bored, but then she looks up. "Did you think of something?!" I said with exaggerated awe.
"I thought about eating the longest rope," Pause for effect. "In an Olympic competition!"
            Yes, that is what she said. Hmm... I just now thought of Sunny from A Series of Unfortunate Events. She did always play her character when we did the video game and our board game. On a different note: More of my story The Lost Rabbit:

                He hid behind the hotel room’s safe while the cleaning staff carried away the garbage. He didn’t fancy the idea of taking a trip to the dump. He had a different destination in mind. He followed the older people out to where the deliveries came. He hoped he wouldn’t get to dirty before he got to the established meeting place; Narcia should see him at his best.
                Narcia was the Mistress of Mirrors. The government of Vivia Drea worked as such: the Mistress of Mirrors talked to the people and the final decision was made by the Glass Jury. Both were advised by a set of four, those four being an Advisor of Swords, Pentacles, Wands, or Cups.
He was meant to be one of those Advisors.
                It was an important job, and just thinking about it made his little rabbit heart beat faster. He was going to be the Advisor of Swords, the one that was supposed to tell whether something was fair or not. It was the most important of the bunch. The member of the Glass Jury that was supposed to sponsor him when they finally decided to accept him officially was waiting with the Mistress. “Rainy Rabbit! Rainy Rabbit!” She crowed, her mousey face set in a childish grin. “You look like a storm cloud with floppy ears, coming out of the fog like that.” The ears mentioned drooped in embarrassment. He retreated back into the fog a bit. Narcia frowned reprovingly. “Ink, don’t be tactless. That is not how you make a good first impression.” Ink would have been hard-pressed to look more surprised. “But it’s his name, anyhow.” Rainy took a step forward. “She didn’t mean any harm. Don’t worry for me.”

           Yes, in my made-up world instead of the one person having the veto-power the largest group does. And the one person hears the problem first. How backwards! I wonder if that would work in real life... Also, Ink is the Page of Wand's assistant. He's in charge of this huge library and is usually working on his 'never-ending book'. He's an Advisor too. God. The dialogue sounds so awkward. Must fix!
            So much explaining! I hope I don't take weeks for the next update. So... in a word... Bye!



  1. I really like "The Lost Rabbit" story so far. I'd love to read more!

    Also, I was reading your profile and I was wondering why it seems so self-deprecating? You have some really good stuff on here. Saying you are new to the blog world is disclaimer enough. Just my two cents. :)
