Thursday, June 27, 2013

Don't Stop the Routine, Lily. Keep Going, Lily. "But I Have Nothing to Write About." Just Do It, Lily. "Fine." And Then This Happened.

             Slept 'til one in the morning. Ate a sandwich made of apples, nutella, jelly, blue frosting, and wheat bread (because I'm so health conscious har-har.). It was good. Did nothing. Felt guilty. The end.
This is not a healthy lifestyle people. I don't recommend it.
And did I mention my body seems to be punishing me for having vertebrae?
But enough complaining.
I'm really just at that point were I just want to sleep for as long as I can without being comatose or, you know, dead.
I'm going to try that. Maybe add to this later.
But probably not.

1 comment:

  1. what about the story where the species reproduces by sending a strange worm like life form from one mouth to the other?

    I looked in her mouth. There was the little blue eyes.
    I couldn't feel my own insect inside my mouth...It must be traveling around my body...
