Wednesday, June 5, 2013

An Announcement!

I will probably regret this later, but I have now decided, as of.... Wednesday, June 5, 2013 on 3:15 PM to try and post something at least once a day, everyday, until school starts. Let's see how well this goes. Even if nothing happens, maybe I'll just make up something  (not make up as in lie, make up as in fiction stuff and maybe story previews or little tangents) on the spot. If anybody has any suggestions (who am I kidding the only one who every comments is my dad and he doesn't ever say anything useful either) comment. I kind of like comments. I would really, really like it if someone commented. 
I now return you to your regular browsing session.

1 comment:

  1. Hi I will be glad to read your stories , fiction-& non-fiction>Your more interesting then you realize.
