Saturday, September 1, 2012

In The Margins

            This is how I draw people in my school notebooks. They are usually really, really tiny. So this is me overlong bangs and green hoodie and all. I'm going to draw Rose (My sister.) next. Lately I've been doing a bunch of little thumbnail comics... hmm...
            So today I was cleaning up my room-really an excuse to discover 2 Nick Magazines I didn't know I had, my Tetris Cube puzzle, and about 25 different writing utensils and a bunch of random junk papers from my old school. So after I put the pencils and pens where they 'belong'. (The general area where they are usually found.) I messed with the puzzle, because I am easily distracted. Sooo much more fun than a Rubik's cube... But I still can't fit the last awkward- as-all-heck piece. It was a nice surprise to find a mysterious orange shoe-box full of interesting objects.
Yes, this entire paragraph is filler because if it wasn't this would be empty white space an it would be boring.

1 comment:

  1. Who's poking you in the head with the pencil?
