Saturday, July 21, 2012

Robot Commentators? Oh, look a kitten!

            My dad mentioned something about those annoying gibberish things that you have to type to confirm you're a person. I don't understand, is there a computer program people use to comment on stuff? It's not so troublesome, I guess. I'm just not used to it. I've never been to another site that did that. 
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            This is something I did when I was playing around with Paint.NET. Her name is Maggie. The results of boredom never cease to amaze me. Isn't she the cutest? I wish I had a kitten. Cats are awesome.


1 comment:

  1. I live in a very poor section of Kin Po Lin,
    On a tiny Island you never heard of. Every time I get a Cat, we have to end up eating it.
    It makes me sad. But Now the cats are part of me. ...and they do taste like chicken. I hope you get a kitten. And I pray to MaWa (our God-a giant Rabbit with 8 arms) that you will never be forced to eat it. I cried with every bite.
