Okay, so everybody talks about my internet addiction in my family. Everyone knows that the moment the internet goes down, I will emerge two seconds later... 'Moooom.' and everyone will know why. Today, I have seen how my sister acts when this happens.
God almighty the anger issues.
Literally threatening the world at large and assigning blame to everything that moved, she stormed through the house, cursing under her breath, hitting inanimate objects.
And I'm the addicted one. She was watching YouTube. YouTube. And she threw a fit like dad had cut out the internet as a big personal insult. Self control, kiddo! My reaction to a broken connection is a mild sense of disappointment and then I inquire upon the matter to see if it can be fixed promptly. If it can't well... tough. If it can... yay. Jokes are always made that I would crumple up and die without internet but my sister... my sister took all of .2 seconds to go on a little warpath. What the hell!
The problem with Rose is she has no patience or ability to distinguish corrective criticism from insult. I suppose she'd rather wallow in her own righteous indignation and threaten life and limb of who dare question her evident perfection. She's lovely, yes, but often brawn over brains, like a little lion. I appreciate her confidence and take-no-shit attitude, envy it, sometimes, but like all siblings she can... be annoying. I love her though. No matter what she says out of drama-fueled theatrics.
So somehow even though it was 12 AM the next day Blogger counts it as a Saturday post? Huh. Odd. Well, I count by from 12 AM to 11:59 PM. Well anyway, a new myNoise entry can be found here. For once, I have gotten everything done in an orderly fashion. I'm learning, I'm learning...
I wonder, at which point does Blogger admit that it's the next day?
... I just saw the time-stamps... 9:44?
What the hell, Blogger.
Get your shit together, man, you're hours behind!
...And where the fuck are my fish???
Okay, so now that the new myNoise entry is up, it is 12:10 AM the next day and I might as well get this outta the way while I'm awake... actually this was an excellent idea. Do the thing at the start of the day instead of waiting until the end of the night and you have hours to prattle on to your hearts desire... Jesus fuck, why didn't I think of this before?
I could do another myNoise thing now.
And not be hella rushed.
And I'll be just enough on the side of sleep-deprived to be fun. I stay up until, like, 3 AM anyway, so why not?
Oh... well. Nevermind, just realized something and then realized the Parent Activity Clause on the point ranking rules state that if my parents make me do stuff I am absolved of blame for missing things on the condition that.
- I try my hardest to recover and meet my expectations. (I did. I got to the priority stuff that is gonna be posted and it honestly slipped my mind.)
- I work double-time to make it up. (I will.)
The object of my forgetfulness in this case is Wicked. Which means tomorrow I WILL have to make my sorry ass sit down, shut up, and make some headway into that thing I mean jeez I should have been done with that ages ago. I have finished book seven of Harry Potter over the course of a school day, goddammit! I can do this! Anywho, points have become irrelevant at this stage, it's combos I'm concerned with.
It always frustrates me that the more school tries to make doing something matter the more I fail to do those things. Yet there are virtually no consequences for failing here and yet I'm doing a better job than I did keeping up with my homework. I think it's because I actually give a shit. Like, sincerely. Not just in a OH JESUS FUCK I AM NEVER GOING TO COLLEGE NOW I WILL MAKE NOTHING OF MY LIFE OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD kind of way. In a This-Is-My-Passion-And-I-Will-Not-Fuck-Up-Out-Of-Laziness kind of way.
And did I mention that myNoise.net is the absolute best thing for anything ever? Fully endorsing it. You wanna zone out and relax? myNoise.net. You need a background noise that won't distract you while you do shit? myNoise.net. Stuff to help put babies to sleep? Literally has a thing designed specifically for that here.
It's. Lovely.
And there are no ads anywhere. You're not gonna be half-asleep and suddenly HEY YOU CAR INSURANCE COKE BANG ZOP BAM ANTIDEPRESSENT BLAH BLAH THING STUFF BUY! while you practically punch a hole through the screen trying to get it to shut up.
Lookin' at you DeviantArt, with your random, sometimes not even loaded sound ads.
Yeah I'm very tired now, can't you tell?
But I'm having fun, so hush.
... I think I've gushed about that enough... moving on.
With my friend visiting there will be some small flubs in the system and keeping up may get harder, but I think I can manage. I'm really looking forward to seeing her you have no idea. We tried to set something up for spring break, but it didn't happen... so it's fantastic that she's coming over now. At times I was worried, but it's finally all falling into place! I can't wait!
I need to cut this off, it's getting long... see ya.
Alright, I'm going to make this fast because my parents made me watch a movie with them. It was a good movie, but a loooong movie, so I'm a little more crunched for time than usual. My own damn fault, I guess. My friend's coming over tomorrow. Oh and mom just donated to myNoise so now I have unlimited access!
My friend is coming over in the immediate future!!!! I'm really excited! We've been talking about this for months now and it's finally happening and it's great and kinda unreal... And my birthday is in two weeks! So she'll probably get to stay for that. Which is brilliant!
I'm also halfway done with the background for that Art Thing I'm working on... Time-consuming but worth it... And I still have about three other things to get to after this.
I did this to myself.
I decided this was a good idea.
I'll get back to this when I get done... maybe.
So I started another art thing. Not like I had stuff to do, right? Right. Well, this one is of John Masque, one of my OCs that I have been thinking about quite a bit lately. I have the person part done, now all's that's left is the background... I'm thinking... this is the second portrait-type thing I've done with a character associated with the color red... perhaps I'll do two more OCs associated with orange... and so on throughout the spectrum. That sounds like fun.
As much as I'd like to prattle on, Sherlock season 3 awaits. See you tomorrow.
- My writing is on here. And shush, I have been writing frequently.
- The internet is my addiction, not my computer itself.
- I do still have to post some shit online so that's not a good call either.
- Scratch that, YouTube is my addiction. There's the root of the problem, do with that information what you must. (I feel like I have revealed my greatest weakness to the enemy, oh god...)
- Stop telling me 'You're being such a typical teenager' what're you trying to do, make me an ADULT?
- I can only take so much outside a week. My current quota is two times... maybe three, if they're spaced kinda far apart. And If I have knowledge of it in advance, perhaps four... maybe. Do not pull the 'family bonding' shit on me, either, because that's pretty much like shouting 'Cristo!' at a demon or 'Vet!' to a pet. I do love you, and I do like being with you, but I am now a teenager after all, so words like that my brain has an allergic reaction to that I kinda can't control.
- Please do not scoff at me and pull the 'we're your parents and you do what we say' card because I am willing to brave the outside world... up to a point. Please do not say 'we're going outside and doing ALL the things and you are going to talk to people and...' because that freaks me the fuck out. Seriously, don't make fun. It does.
- I apologize for minor swearing but I have in the past and I know my dad reads this (though I'm not sure I want him to read this he might get offended though I don't know how...) and hasn't told me to stop swearing in these posts so... meh.
The downside, of course, to daily blogging, is that you end up writing about jack shit just for the sake of sticking to routine. And routine gets hard, when you discover that Season Four of Sherlock is on Netflix. Which is what I was doing. That and food. Sorry.
Again, I promise I will start doing these earlier, so I feel I have more time to spend on them.
Again, I promise that content of more worth than this will grace this blog sometime tomorrow.
But please, don't raise your expectations just yet.
Thank you, and goodnight.
Today has been uneventful. Tried to do the bit of Free Thought I first tried to start the story at, and it turned out half-decent. Drew a few reference sketched in my journal for an OC. That's about it. I've kinda put this off for too long, so this is going to be ended about here. Exactly here, in fact. See ya.
A week into The Schedule (one day, I will spell that word correctly without the aid of spell-check, but today is not that day) and 178.5 points counted, as soon as I do the myNoise entry for today. Combos haven't been broken, which is good. And it's nice to have something to do everyday... something I genuinely like doing, too. I think I might do something for myself when I reach a thousand points... buy a Scalemate off What Pumpkin or something with my birthday money... speaking of which, yay! That's in a couple weeks and I should get thinking on that as it is my 16th consecutive celebration and that is more special than usual for some reason...
And I have been working on a proper story instead of just reference and planning faff! Granted, it's not something I felt I was supposed to be doing but shut up I am having fun and don't think it's complete shit like the first two attempts at starting Free Thought. (One was 20% an overlong rant and one was just really slow and boring.) Which is brilliant! I suppose I should start writing the parts of a story I find interesting at the time rather than the bit I feel it's 'supposed' to be about. I should really stop trying to find the 'beginning' of Free Thought and just take it bit by bit... starting tomorrow because that's what Mondays are dedicated to.
That's about all I have to speak of at the moment... Stuff is actually getting done, I'm still not totally used to this... Until tomorrow,