Okay, so last time I posted some art for a story I've been working on... and I didn't add a lot of explanation at the time because, to be honest, it's hard to find the words. I said I was gonna explain JM... and I will! But first, the story he, River, and my character are all from.
The collective name for all the versions of a story I have
is called just that:
I have been working on
STORY for a really fucking long time. Like since before I even knew it,
as a little bitty tyke scrawling intelligible Lion King fanfiction of
construction paper with crayon and chatting with one of ten
Imaginary Friends about how awesome we were at fighting those faceless,
nameless baddies as I thumbed through a booklet of shiny stickers. That leads
up to the now, where it’s evolved into a tale spanning universes and worlds!
I have yet to start the actual story though.
I'm polishing and planning a lot.
Though in all honesty, this current incarnation does have a proper title, though it may be subject to change. Free Thought incorporates my four main story-verses into it, though focuses mainly on its own. I've actually named them...
Dreamverse-Free Thought. Includes River and Tyger. Also Darwin's included. As is my sister.
Viviaverse-Lost Rabbit. If you've read it, you've met the characters. John's also from this universe as well.
Alienverse-Mind Games, Chell Howe and the Inter-dimensional Doctors, and Relativity. I haven't said much about Mind Games, but it sort of spawned from a combination of viewing Inception fanart and a story about aliens I found somewhere... I have characters, and some plot, but haven't started it. Relativity is just something that happened at school where I went 'hmm... I wonder if I could write a sort of American spinoff of Doctor Who...' which subsequently turned into 'fuck it! I can be like the Doctor if I want!' and is kinda on hold. I'm writing it episodically, which is weird but seems to work.
FSMverse-Yeah. (That's not the title, I just don't know what to call it yet.) Way back last year I drew a bunch of little doodles of the lives of three kids: Frizz, Stormy, and Miv. Maybe it'll be a little children's book someday. THE STORY includes the grown-up versions of these guys.
So that mountain of text is sorta what I get up to when I'm gone. I have yet to finish anything, but sometimes gluing stuff you're losing interest in to something you are tends to motivate, I find. So that's the more difficult bit tackled... I think.
Onto the OC's!
Tyger and River Myst are what in FT are called Daydreamers. That sort of means they have superpowers... I guess. Though the powers depend on the Skill Type. Tyger is a Magician Skill Type, which is the closest to my original idea of Daydreaming, so she can create objects with her mind and temporarily alter physics and the world around her. River is a Mentalist Skill Type, which is a bit more specific. Telekinesis, mind reading through physical contact, and a tone of voice that allows for mind control. He's odd though, because when in what I refer to as Impulse Form (like how he's shown in the picture), he not only doesn't fit the normal trend but also seems to have an odd quirk of subconsciously manipulating weather. He also has authorization to use time-travel technology. Both work for an organization called Free Thought.
John Masque, though from the same universe, is not from Vivia Drea. Nor is he an Avian, like Angel. He lives on Drea Thet, Vivia's neighboring planet, and he's what's called a Trickster. But he's a lot more human than most of his kind, and that tends to get him into a lot of trouble. He tries to keep to himself as much as he can, and rarely leaves the library where he works and lives unless he has to. He has a 'sister', Molly, and has a few very close friends he's collected over the years. Though he looks about 19-22 on the outside (or older, I guess, if he grew a beard or mustache or something...) he and his sister are actually older than Viviaverse itself (more explanation later~). Details that I couldn't convey in the pictures given are his Trickster Eye, which allows him to see behind him, through walls, or at the most pick out telltale signs that someone's afraid or lying. Each Trickster Eye has a particular shape. Molly's is a heart, and John's is a pentagon. (He normally covers his Eye with his hair.) He also has a phoenix form, and markings on his arms, hands, and his back when his wings aren't taking physical shape. Also he has sharp, pointy black teeth and nails that can turn into black talons. He has flame-y powers and some tricks up his sleeve, like you'd expect. He shares some phoenix traits like bursting into flames to heal when his body is too damaged (Trickster's are immortal except for their Eye, which can be removed to render them helpless.) and healing tears. I'll stop explaining here, but he does have a few more lesser known tics and traits.
I had a whale of a time thinking him up, can't you tell?
Welp, there's a huge chunk of insight into some of my stories. When I get talking about them I end up going on and on and on... I also tend to think in terms of 1, 2, 7, 3, 20, 19, 6... oooh! A butterfly! And it gets muddled. Hell, if spoilers weren't a problem I'd just dump my whole compilation of all the little notes and rules I've written down pertaining to Free Thought on Wattpad. It would save me some trouble. So, leaving this here... See ya.