Sunday, February 24, 2013

Paint.NET is Lame.

            First of all, drawing on a computer is weird. Second of all, they decide to complicate it with Layers. Layers are things that are supposed to separate the background from the foreground, but all it does it occasionally give me crap and get in the way. Seeing as it had the potential to be immensely useful, I tried using it today.
After fiddling between two layers until it decided to show the two parts on top of each other at the same time, this piece of stupidity happened. I don't even know what's happening! It's just a poorly drawn... something. When I draw on paper this doesn't happen! Bad computer! Bad!

That is all.


Saturday, February 23, 2013


            And eat and shower occasionally, as needed. Most of the time. I go to school Monday. Ew. I don't need school. I have a computer! But last Friday I was innocently drawing using ideas spawned from the Art of Alice: Madness Returns and a little of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. (Which I had recently discovered through YouTube and decide I liked it quite a lot.) And suddenly my brain went MUST WRITE STORY. I had considered such a thought earlier, but had dismissed it for reasons of it wouldn't translate out of my brain well. (Being originally a Daydream, these things tend to end up having MASSIVE gaps in logic and flow.) It's   a twisted Vivia Drea story. And I'm not really good at horror, I don't think. It's just not happening the way everything I got done went the first day. Nevertheless, I have been a single-minded MACHINE. Well, after occasional breaks and if my flow gets broken I will have a heckuva hard time getting back into it. The main characters name is Jane Newell so far... but it shouldn't matter 'cause I'm probably not posting the story.
            So my sister revealed a shocking fact: SHE HAS KNOWN WHERE THE iPEN WAS ALL ALONG, dun, dun, dun! I feel so betrayed. After waiting, then demanding it back when she obviously wasn't using it, I did this.
I'm getting pretty good at this. Maybe I could ask for a Tablet for my birthday... probably wouldn't get it, but it wouldn't hurt to ask, right?