I wonder how many times the first word of my blog posts have been 'So.' Anyway, I've been reminded about how much it's easier for me to communicate on skype versus calling someone. Why is summed up in the following list:
- I CAN SEE THE PERSON'S FACE. This means I don't cut people off midsentence... that happens often.
- I can actually hear what people are fricking saying 97% of the time. Okay, I can hear people talking on the phone pretty okay, but up to a point and it drives me bonkers.
- I can show people things. This is useful if I've drawn something.
I got to video chat my friend, and ended up talking for like two hours... hence that.
Okay, somehow the laptop ran out of battery. It's charging now, but the light is still blinking. I'll end this here.
So. Still on a block. Working on an art thing. On an Ib kick. So here's another Character Bio.
Name: Preston Mortimer CastorNickname(s): Pres/Presto/Princess (insult)/Dracula (insult)Age: 17Gender: Male Phys. Description: Longish white hair (used to be jet black), silver eyes, narrow face, pointed nose. He's very tall (a little over 6 ft) and lanky. His canine teeth are longer than normal, and he's just a bit sensitive about it.Personality: He's very much a people person. He likes talking to people. He's extremely persistent when he wants to be, well, when he has a reason to. He tends to be pessimistic but acts otherwise, and is very, very concerned with what people think. He's a frequent liar, and prone to denial.Family:
Brother: Calder Castor. Died in car accident.
Sister: Amiera Livia Pollux. (Twin)Other: Ability to hear the voices of those about to die, sense a killer by touch, and break any system he can touch. Heir to a powerful company. Dreamworld: Luce.Location: City.Location Description: A decently-sized, walled-off city.Task: Break the locks.
There you go. Until next time.
Day Two of getting jack shit accomplished. Ergh. Must find a story that I can add more than one sentence to before I move on to something else...
Even the myNoise thing is getting hard...
I'll just write another Character Bio, okay? So it's not just me whining.
Here's another OC from the story I'm working on with my friend:
Name: Catherine Parietal
Nickname(s): Cath/Cathy/Queen Catherine (As a joke.)
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Phys. Description: Straight, long blonde hair dyed violet at the tips. Eyes are almond-shaped, and a matching violet color, though were originally the same blue as her mother's. About the same height as Peter Clepsydra (5'5"). Narrow-ish face, pointed chin, thin lips that rarely smile unless they need to. Wears makeup. Long fingers with well-manicured nails. Straight build, not very strong or muscular.
I look up writing reference about this stuff online which is why it's phrased all weird in spots. It's either this or 'Blonde. Violet eyes, but used to be blue. Average height. Thin.' It's hard for me to find the right words to create the most accurate picture of what I have in mind... ugh, sorry.
...In one of the references I found 'Skittle' is apparently a body type... they give some of these the strangest names...
Personality: The initial impression is that she's the bossiest snob you've ever met. She's competitive, acts very self-confident, and hates being ignored. Of course, first impressions are usually wrong. She is competitive, and she can be a bit bossy, but she just wants to be heard. She's an animal-lover, and very caring (if a bit nosy) when she warms up to a person. She has a quick temper but a complete inability to hold a grudge unless it's something really serious. This temper gets her into a good bit of trouble. She's very quick-witted and resourceful, and used to being self-sufficient. Being a team player does not come naturally for her unless she's in charge. (And even when she's in charge of a small group she ends up trying to everything herself or everyone to do it her way.)
Mother: Morgan Parietal
Other: Can read people's minds by touch, has mind control abilities, and is very skilled at running things smoothly. (From a distance.)
Dreamworld: Noct
Location: Castle
Location Description: Like the name implies, a big ol' stone castle in the middle of an island who-knows-where. Storms/rains a lot.
Task: Escape the Castle
So there is today's post. Until tomorrow.
So today started out well... got all cleaned up and ate stuff and didn't sit around for hours until considering mundane things like food. Then I lazed around, looked at the clock and was shocked to see it was already two in the afternoon. So I started this.
I have no idea what to write about... and I just nearly gave myself a heart attack nearly toppling my chair... So there's an exciting morning.
Update: I successfully toppled my chair.
Look, I may get back to this if I can think of something to write but for now I'll just stop here.
One in the afternoon and nothing accomplished yet... make that almost 1:30. Meh, getting to it now...
Did I mention that my blog has a weird quirk of all the text being in Comic Sans if it doesn't load properly?
It's a pet peeve of mine.
The little things please me, okay? Virtual fish... nice fonts... finding out my mom bought cheese popcorn...
Mmm... cheese popcorn...
Yeah, so along with this, myNoise descriptions are back to being daily, did I mention? I think I forgot to mention... that thing's been getting to be the most popular thing I've written on there...
Remember this stupid thing? Well guess who remembered she mustered up the motivation to get this stupid thing done so she could pass her fucking creative writing class? Answer: THIS GIRL.
Ahem... yes... um, ending this here, on a high note... I still have for other tasks to do... read 10 pages out of book... work on CHatID... finish that art thing... the myNoise thing.
(Again linking to the actual myNoise website because it's wonderful and donating to it would be a good cause, I think. Even the science behind it is kinda neat... *awkward cough*)
See ya tomorrow.
Alright, so one of my OCs in the story I mentioned last post is this kid. Now, because I can't think of anything else to right, a slightly cleaner bio for him.
Name:Peter Clepsydra
Nickname(s): Pete/Petey
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Phys. Description: Short, curly, reddish-blond hair and freckles. Round, bright green eyes, square-ish face, and wears braces. About 5'5" give or take, and a pretty muscular build even when the story first starts off.
Personality: Perky, enthusiastic, and easy-going. He's a bit timid as well, and apologizes compulsively. Prone to bouts of moodiness and tends to hide this from others. He often resorts to faking happiness if he has to, or lashing out when he breaks down. Likes routine, likes stability, and is fiercely loyal. A bit childish, like a big 8-year-old, most jokes and hints blow right past him. Socially awkward, and dislikes having to talk to strangers.
Mother: Marigold 'Mari' Clepsydra. Killed in house fire.
Father: Remus Clepsydra. Disappeared when Peter was five.
Aunt: Hollis 'Holly' Clepsydra. Godparent.
Other: Clairvoyant. Mathematical genius. Keeps an almost impossibly accurate sense of time. Workaholic.
And I mentioned that each of the kids in this story was given a location and (an extremely cryptic, sometimes) task. (Also one of the four adults supervising them, called Patrons.) There were also two dreamworlds things (Luce and Noct) that end up being created by two of the eight kids with help from their Patrons. So here are those tidbits.
Dreamworld: Noct.
Location: Timepiece.
Location Description: Twelve clock towers situated in a circle way out in the middle of a desert, and some underground living space.
Task: Watch the Clocks.
So take from that nonsense what you will, now excuse me, I have stuff to put off for, like, an hour. See you tomorrow.
So in 0.5 seconds of my friend being here I realized that to juggle my self-imposed schedule (SPELLED IT RIGHT FIRST TIME OH MY GOD YES!) while appreciating the fact that my very best friend that I haven't seen since about last fall was here in glorious 4D was not only idiotic but would be kinda disrespectful (probably?) and I have been busy doing things with her and she might very well be coming for winter break who knows? I hope so.
So sudden hiatus was put on everything.
Not complaining, I had fun. Lost track of the days of the week. Let time stretch out.
I'm not apologizing for putting things on hold, I'm just announcing that things'll resume.
Oh and we started collaborating on a story.
The tale behind that is interesting in itself, as it was conceived from the stupid 95% dead Homestuck RP we were doing, having just watched The Awakening on Netflix, and it being about two in the fucking morning and we decided to make a ghost hunter AU for the RP.
The moment I sat in front of my laptop I had no idea how to go about it, so my frazzled brain went 'fuck it.' And we spent that night having decided to change the last names of her OCs and the full names of mine (I had picked them from Free Thought, Relativity, and Mind Games. And thus, those OCs have another alt version of themselves. I tend to do that a lot, not sure if it's laziness, as the characters are distinctly different, but then again even without the alt versions accounted for I have many, many, many OCs and it's hard to keep track of 'em all. Plus it's interesting exploring how the different circumstances shape the characters into almost an entirely new person. J. Jones from Relativity and Louis Callibre from Free Thought are Alt Selves and they're as different as night and day with only a few core ideals and loyalties in common. Not that I've explained their characters online yet... I will in time.
When we finally got off of name meaning websites and finished arguing about how the fuck you pronounce 'Graeae' out loud, we got to the plot. Prepare for shitty semi-accurate but poorly-phrased summary:
Eight kids are targeted for extraordinary abilities they possess, and four individuals that all of them are indirectly connected to are asked to figure out a way to protect them. They need to be hidden, of course, but that will only do so much. One puts forth a sort of experiment, nearly a game. Proposes the idea to make the kids into a team, and teach them how to use their ability to defend themselves. Most of them are strangers to one another, with a few exceptions. Each kid is put in an isolated location, given a task, a tool, and means to communicate with the other eight kids as well as near-constant supervision from the four. Finishing the task means finding or activating a teleportation network between the eight locations, thus being able to meet the rest in person. (The four originally thought that they would have everything sorted shortly after they completed their goal... spoilers)
So it's basically a bunch of teens arguing with each other and trying to use powers a few of them didn't even know hey had, or did and couldn't control or didn't want them, and four grownups trying to babysit them and trying not to get killed while trying to hunt down the person/organization responsible for the huge fucking mess. We have a lot of ideas and we're wondering how exactly this is gonna be layed out, but it's fun.
So I wasn't totally inactive all that time, and when my friend gets back online maybe you'll be hearing more on these characters... I'll get more specific too, which will be good.
Until tomorrow, (Finally, am I right?)